PS. But I agree with mjp that most of these covers
I probably wouldn't want as regular wall posters,
with, for me, Pulp being the exception. I think,
however, that some of the covers would work in a
smaller size with a number of them framed on a
wall in some kind of a collection or throughout
one's living space. I could live with that, as it
would bring some of the stories to mind and
be a reminder of the vintage black sparrow
days. Martin truly had a record number of
literary discoveries starting with Bukowski. I
think his and his wife's contribution to Mr.
B's success is still undervalued, under-
appreciated or simply taken for granted,
no matter what differences they may have
So long live black sparrow down
through the corridors of time. I liked each
entire production from the look and feel of
the cover, to the quality of the paper, and of
course to the generosity of the words in
volume after volume during those golden
years of productivity.