R.I.P. Paul Newman (1 Viewer)


Just heard on the radio that legendary actor Paul Newman has passed away.
The man did a ton of quality work over the years in his films. My personal faves were Cool Hand Luke and The Verdict.

Perhaps his finest work came off-screen, where he raised hundreds of millions of dollars for a variety of charities through his line of foods called Newman's Own.

Hollywood lost one of the good guys today.
yep, had the soft spot for the 'underdog' and that alone wins in my book. Cool hand Luke for me the most memorable role. And I love his line I adapted as my signature, when asked on being 70 years old: "I'm not mellower, I'm not less angry, I'm not less self-critical, I'm not less tenacious," he said. "Maybe the best part is that your liver can't handle those beers at noon anymore," he said.
We lost a fine actor and a darn fine person. Paul Newman was a good old boy.
fine actor.
he was great in Hud. that's probably my favourite Newman film.

although I'm glad he didn't get the role of James Dean's brother in East of Eden. those 2 together would have chewed the fuck out of the scenery trying to out-method each other.

Newman was one of the last real men.
Those two movies were great! No wonder all pool players love them. Scorsese directed the sequel, The Color Of Money...
Was married to Johanne Woodwards for over 50 years.
I agree 100%.

Also, he saved the political magazine THE NATION when they were in dire straits.

He makes today's "Hollywood" men look like humps. He's been, for years & year, a personal hero of mine...the kind of man I hope I am someday.
"Cool hand Luke", "The Hustler","Hudsucker proxy"
Hell, I could go on forever
we have just lost one of the greatest actors to ever live not to me mention a fine human being
I have no doubt that he will be sorely missed and remembered for a long time to come
As of 1998 (sourcing a Larry King interview), Newman's foundation gave over $90 million to "over a thousand" children's charities worldwide. Mother Teresa, on the other hand, wandered about overpopulated, AIDS-stricken nations telling people that birth control runs contrary to God's plan. You tell me who the saint is.
According to the "Newman's Own" website, the figure is over $250 million dollars to thousands of charities.

Not to argue numbers. I'd agree that sainthood was achieved around the $90 million dollar mark ! Hell, just the fact that he consistently donated all after-tax profits to the charities year after year earns him angel's wings. So many, many people were helped out it's almost hard to imagine....
Plastic jesus

I know all the words to and can sing Plastic Jesus from Cool Hand Luke !!!

Anyone want an mp3 of it from me? They are free! :D

I think it's a fine tribute to Paul.

(Color of Money is my fav.)
Newman's name appeared on Richard Nixon's famed enemies list (9th place), which Newman called "the highest single honor" he'd ever received.
Paul was very proud to be on the Nixon enemies list and stated so on numerous occasions.
He cited it as one of his greatest accomplishments.
You gotta love a guy like that!

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