Shameless Self-promotion. (1 Viewer)

Heya, Bukowski readers. I'm Kelly, and I recently wrote a book. I started a new myspace account to promote myself because I can't really afford a REAL website yet.
There's not much on it yet. But I'm blogging (just some random musings in order to share my writing) regularly.
You should check it out.
But be nice.
Please, be nice!

love, Kelly
Hmm...well...I would probably be here forever. Which would be sad. My mom would probably be in Canadaigua, New York. I really could go on for a long time, so I'll just say, "Good point! Now I don't feel quite so shameless!" :)
Hey what other kind of self-promotion is there? But don't send me into the abyss of MySpace and ask me to be nice....MySpace is not a nice place... It's like the skid row of the internet :) One step from insanity..

But I do think the Buk worms from this forum are straight shooters...honest answers in a nice way, and then a little qualifier to point out everything thing they just said may be bullshit :D Don't try!!
Right now, myspace is all I can do to promote myself. Check back in a few weeks when I can afford to make a real website.
At the very least, myspace is easy to navigate.
Yes... myspace is (or should be) just that. The emptiness between me and the rest of humanity - a void to be filled if and when I decide.
Space to regroup and refill.
Most people are just not that interesting - let alone when they are reduced to some HTML and highly selective biographic info.

I mean no offense to you fififlea, just weighing in on HenryChinaskis comment.
Heya, Bukowski readers. I'm Kelly, and I recently wrote a book. I started a new myspace account to promote myself because I can't really afford a REAL website yet.

Okay Kelly, I'll bite, what's your novel about? The Myspace page was a bit scanty about the piece. You write much or just starting (ala sticking your feet into the high school poem pool)?
While I don't claim to know ANYTHING at all about the business of writing, and don't claim to be a genius writer, I do write quite a bit and always have. Even in high school, I wasn't much for high school poetry. So that's definitely not me. I've heard a lot (and read a lot) of shit poetry, and I don't wish such misfortune on even my worst enemy.

As for my book, it is about the way in which a young woman's past experiences and current situation work together to engineer her psychological demise. It still needs a lot of work, which is why the page doesn't say much about it, or have many pieces of it posted.

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