Hey all,
I'm pretty excited to have found this site. I hope that this forum continues to grow - I've been reading through past posts and the discussion here is fantastic.
Anyhow, I've read quite a lot of Buk stuff but I wanted some clarification on something I have been wondering about. Could anyone please let me know if there are any short story collections that I am missing:
Notes of a Dirty Old Man
The Most Beautiful Woman in Town
Tales of Ordinary Madness
South of No North
Hot Water Music
Betting on the Muse
Septuagenarian Stew
I'm aware of a few smaller things, such as "There's No Business" with Robert Crumb but I was wondering if there is anything else in the way of short stories that isn't listed here.
Finally, as an aside, would anyone recommend "Shakespeare Never Did This"? I'm thinking of it for my next purchase.
I'm pretty excited to have found this site. I hope that this forum continues to grow - I've been reading through past posts and the discussion here is fantastic.
Anyhow, I've read quite a lot of Buk stuff but I wanted some clarification on something I have been wondering about. Could anyone please let me know if there are any short story collections that I am missing:
Notes of a Dirty Old Man
The Most Beautiful Woman in Town
Tales of Ordinary Madness
South of No North
Hot Water Music
Betting on the Muse
Septuagenarian Stew
I'm aware of a few smaller things, such as "There's No Business" with Robert Crumb but I was wondering if there is anything else in the way of short stories that isn't listed here.
Finally, as an aside, would anyone recommend "Shakespeare Never Did This"? I'm thinking of it for my next purchase.