Douglas Goodwin's books show up from time to time on ebay. As with many things small press, they are not easy to find. I guess that there are probably only 200 copies of "Half Memory" that were printed.
theeffects sold a copy on ebay a while back. Also, Jeffrey at waterrow books may have some. Also, you can e-mail Jeff Maser. He will almost certainly have a few copies.
So interesting to find this thread.
I published
Half Memory under the
Clock Radio Press moniker.
Clock Radio was a little magazine that I edited and published from about 1985-1987, and I published a few
Clock Radio Press chapbooks--some good stuff, I think. Buk appeared in three or four issues, and Doug, as well. I still have a few copies of
Half Memory, but I sent most of them, by far, to Doug. I always felt bad that authors were (and probably still are) paid only in "copies." What a world. But there's usually no money in poetry--writing or publishing. So there you go. I was really glad that Buk wrote the foreword to the book, but I wasn't all that surprised because I knew that he liked Doug's work, and really he liked the work of very few.
Anyway, here's a little story about
Clock Radio, as well as some links to an issue or two:,15143.0.html
In that thread, there's also a link to a PDF of
Ear Evolution, another
Clock Radio Press chapbook that I did by a writer named R. Evan Pitts. Would love to know what happened to Mr. Pitts.