Black Swan
Abord the Yorikke!
Speaking of the novel "Women",
I gave my 72 year old brother the novel Women, as a gift for Christmas.
He came back after a week of ski and called me tonight.
So, I asked him: "So, did you read Bukowski? ".
His reply was that Bukowski had set his ass on fire.
I asked him if he had skied at all. "not much" was his reply. He had been saving the last 30 pages, not to fall out of the book too fast. So Bukowski's infectious magic has touched another man. :D
I gave my 72 year old brother the novel Women, as a gift for Christmas.
He came back after a week of ski and called me tonight.
So, I asked him: "So, did you read Bukowski? ".
His reply was that Bukowski had set his ass on fire.
I asked him if he had skied at all. "not much" was his reply. He had been saving the last 30 pages, not to fall out of the book too fast. So Bukowski's infectious magic has touched another man. :D