This book is Bukowski's finest collection of poetry ever published. As with all prolific writers, Buk's books often come with more filler than sustenance- that is not the case here. The poems written for/about Jane highlight his most soulful collection. The usual mask of nonchalance has been stripped away, along with the chains of his self-created tough guy/barfly image. The tenderness and warmth are unfiltered by his masculine facade. Moving, desolate, and often humorous, this book is nearly flawless. It is written in such a way that anyone can read and understand. It isn't written in a flowery, deeply symbolic style that makes younger readers hate poetry. This book is from the heart, mind and fists of a man who has loved, suffered, hated and laughed. Anyone who has done likewise should be able to appreciate the raw beauty presented within. Make no mistake, the alcoholism, sex and madness that made Bukowski famous are all represented here as well. This is the book to read if you are interested in the most three-dimensional portrayal of the late poet.