#6: I'm inclined to to call foul on this, but I know you were just being clever, and you know otherwise. Thing is, people read this on the internet and for some stupid reason, they believe it.
Global warming manifests itself in an approximate 2 deg C overall temperature rise. You cannot feel it. Ever walk around on a 92 degree day and then again on a 94 degree day? It's hot. And yes, 2 deg F is not quite 2 deg C, but at these increments, not so much of a difference.
What it does do is cause overall weather patterns to shift, and re-distribute moisture and or aridness over large areas of the globe. Amongst other melting issues, etc.
That you can feel. So if this winter is very cold and you get record snow, it does not mean global warming is not happening. I read all over the internet: "Well, we got three inches of global warming here in Memphis today."
These people need to stick to running checkouts at Caldor.
Science is at once a literal discipline and simultaneously a flexible discipline.
Sorry for the rant; personal issue. For some reason, non-scientists seem to understand science when they read about it on their favorite left or right blog, etc., blah, crap, shit, etc.