The Most vs. The Veryest (1 Viewer)



What is the correct name of this poem? In the audio reading CD "Bukowski Lives" (the one set to classical music) he calls it "The Most", but in the collection Pleasures of the Damned it is entitled, "The Veryest." But it's the same poem.

Any insight?
The poem, "The Most", from the collection,"Love Is A Dog From Hell" (page 216), is basically the same poem as, "The Veryest", in "Pleasures...", but some words have been added and some words changed in the latter version.
I just listened to the CD version and compared it word by word to the two versions of the poem and the version Bukowski recites on CD is the first version from "Love Is A Dog From Hell" ("The Most") and not "The Veryest" from "Pleasures...".

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