I'm a big Tom Waits fan, at least I was up til The Black Rider, which is my favorite EVER, but after that I stopped paying much attention to the new stuff. Mule Variations dissapointed or something, I cant remember.
ANYWAY. Since I didnt 'discover' Buk til recently I never made the connection but clearly there is one. Hell, I did a e-bay search for 'Bukowski' and Tom Waits t-shirts showed up.
When I first came to this site the picture of Buk (my favorite picture I've seen so far) with the typewriter, eyes closed, lips around a beedie(?) or a toothpick, immedietly made me think of Tom Waits and his accordian.
Surely Bukowski was a huge influence. Has this been discussed? Is this at all interesting to anyone but neophyte, know-nothing little me? I bet it is sophmoric so forgive me, I'm so new, so very tender, so very very new.
Hey, wait a minute. Did I get up early a.m. last night or the night before drunk and already ask this question somewhere on the forum?
Fuck. I might have dreampt it. I never really know.
I drink.
ANYWAY. Since I didnt 'discover' Buk til recently I never made the connection but clearly there is one. Hell, I did a e-bay search for 'Bukowski' and Tom Waits t-shirts showed up.
When I first came to this site the picture of Buk (my favorite picture I've seen so far) with the typewriter, eyes closed, lips around a beedie(?) or a toothpick, immedietly made me think of Tom Waits and his accordian.
Surely Bukowski was a huge influence. Has this been discussed? Is this at all interesting to anyone but neophyte, know-nothing little me? I bet it is sophmoric so forgive me, I'm so new, so very tender, so very very new.
Hey, wait a minute. Did I get up early a.m. last night or the night before drunk and already ask this question somewhere on the forum?
Fuck. I might have dreampt it. I never really know.
I drink.