I saw when you posted this. I forgot about it. I wonder when this will be released! Of course, then everyone and their mother will be into him then and his work will show up on coffee mugs. Not that its a bad thing necessarily. I forgot if he had children, and if he does, then it would be beneficial to them.
By the way, I found a transcript of that Darger lecture
here, in case you didn't want to sit through all the boringness of the lulls in the film.
She was the official curator of the Folk Art Museum in NYC - if you ever get a chance to go there, you should! It's one of the better museums in the city and you can really do it in a couple (3) hours, comfortably, without getting tired or bored. Not like going to the Met or something and feeling overwhelmed and knowing you'd have to go back a million times before you would be able to really take enough in.
Anyway, I didn't know her. I knew the next curator, Brooke Anderson. She was really nice too. She is no longer the curator, she moved to Los Angeles and is now working on opening a Folk and Outsider wing in LACMA. We shall see. I know they have a collection. Whether they will ever put it on view is another thing.