How can you call my recent posts defensive? I was merely suggesting that you might regret personally and in you heart of intelligent hearts feel silly underestimating gh's motives, style and skill. Nick and Ross are (admittedly, not close) friends, but their battles were personal and damaging. Not all buyers of high-end collectible literary material can be lumped with them.
I would think that you would have come to appreciate the quality of material I buy and sell - not for a living, but for the EXPERIENCE, VICARIOUS AS IT MAY BE. I do not buy copies of Heat Wave, NQB or copies of Fire Station (yes, even with the red tissue jacket). I buy what I think any sensible collector of Bukowski material MUST have. I lose, I win, I don't really care because it's not entirely the point. It's the friction that counts. Contact with you, nymark, Krunhansl, Pam, John Martin, John Dulleghan, etc., etc. that floats my boat. I know you're in there - an extremely intelligent, sentient, sexy being. WHY CAN'T I GET THROUGH???????