war in iraq? (1 Viewer)

What do you guys think about the war?I have an opinion but I'll keep it to myself until I see what people think.
Also,is it possible to be a U.S. patriot and be AGAINST the war?
If its all too serious for you dont reply.....
dirtbird23 said:
I have an opinion but I'll keep it to myself until I see what people think.

That is sad....
You shouldn't care what the f*ck anyone here (or anywhere) thinks....
Be a MAN (Christ, Live!, take a f*cking risk, for god's sake)...
Say what you want...
Why keep anything to yourself?!

You only live once!, and what's the worst thing that can happen.....
Have no regrets,
And you won't ever wish "I should have...."

(mjp won't say "good nite" for an honest opinion.....)
Seems to me that if you're a patriotic American and really care about your country (rather than the people who are running it at the moment) you really have to be against the war. IMO, the big shitballs who run this country and all of the little balls of shit who do their bidding should be sent to prison for the rest of their miserable shitball lives.

Don't know if you've ever seen Boogie Nights, but I like to visualize Bush in the role of The Colonel once he's in jail; beaten, defeated and about to become Bubba's bitch.
OK then.I think its a fucking discrace.I was afraid to mention it cos usually i get a load of greif and get called an america hater.You guys need to convince the public to do something.Even the Democrats if they get in next will probably carry on warmongering.It makes too much money for the fatcats who pay these jerks election campaigns.I think the CIA could have done 9/11 to get the public behind this war on terror.Bin Laden was in with them in afganistan originally.They helped build his bunkers and train him.If they werent behind it (9/11),it certainly aided GW Bush and friends in their war games.The Patriot Act also would never have got through before.Now that communism was finished practically(cold war over) they needed to whip up a frenzy of fear against some enemy to justify the ridiculous military budget that the U.S. has
dirtbird23 said:
I think the CIA could have done 9/11 to get the public behind this war on terror.
Yeeeeah, okay.

I suppose this will soon have more posts than the Hitler thread. :\
I'll post here because dirtbird's other threads have been closed. If you look, he's made all these political postings during a single half-hour period. Probably just a drunken night, and he chose to spend his time on this forum. However, it wasn't exactly in the way we really want/expect around here. Oh well.
Just stay sober until you're off the fence, man. Heh heh.
dirtbird23 said:
I think the CIA could have done 9/11 to get the public behind this war on terror.Bin Laden was in with them in afganistan originally.They helped build his bunkers and train him.If they werent behind it (9/11),it certainly aided GW Bush and friends in their war games.The Patriot Act also would never have got through before.Now that communism was finished practically(cold war over) they needed to whip up a frenzy of fear against some enemy to justify the ridiculous military budget that the U.S. has

Not sure if you're a troll or not, dirtbird23, but I agree with your above comments.

If the CIA/Bush Admin had not instigated and performed the 911 thang, then there is no way a jet airliner could've gotten anywhere close to the Pentagon. Not a chance. Not for a moment.

Naive people are naive because they don't know the depths of their own darkness nor that of the human condition. Greed for power & money & status knows no bounds. None. Not a sausage.

And we don't call politicians and super wealthy faceless corporate turds reptiles for nothing. No we most certainly don't.

Do I imply I am better than them, morally or spiritually? No, I don't. We are all doing the best we can with what we've got---as far as our mortal personalities go.

Welcome to the human world. It ain't Heaven, Bubba. And therefore it can only mean we are truly in Hell.
Die-hard liberal here,
But Jesus,
(I bet you could quote the 2 lines above with a LOL, right)
Christ then,
9-11 couldn't have been....
No, the US had nothing to do with it,
Stupid conspiracy theory.
Bet you all bet we didn't ever really land on the moon too
(it was a movie stage, right?!)
And Big Foot lives...

Sorry, I didn't want to respond to this thread again
(I'm totally against this stupid 'war')
But I lost a good friend that beautiful, sunny September morning....
And his death WAS NOT orchastrated by my gov't
(no matter how much I cried when John Kerry 'lost')
Sorry about that
zoom man said:
But I lost a good friend that beautiful, sunny September morning....
And his death WAS NOT orchastrated by my gov't

Naive people are naive because they don't know the depths of their own darkness nor that of the human condition. Greed for power & money & status knows no bounds. None. Not a sausage.
Brother Schenker: Naive people are naive because they don't know the depths of their own darkness nor that of the human condition. Greed for power & money & status knows no bounds. None. Not a sausage.

Spot on, Brother!! War happens for other reasons...I am happy to just live my microscopic life without all that chaos. I have chaos of other kinds...


This is a 2hour lecture byphysicist 'Steven E Jones' that proposes the hypothesis that the Trade Towers, World Trade Centre Buildings were brought down by controlled demolition and not by the impact of the planes alone, as well as suggesting that WorldTradeCentre 7 was not brought down by fire but, once again, by controlled demolition.

Steven E Jones is basically challengeing the Official Government Report regarding 9/11. If you have a lot of time on your hands and find this subjetc of any interest you should take a look at what he has to say and the facts he tries to convey.

-A lot of people can't be bothered with all this 9/11 style conspiracy 'shit' but this guy offers serious facts and contradictions that are well worth thinking about-

Seriously! Take a look at that lecture, if you have the time...it is not some wild fanatic screaming conspiracy...it is a physcist looking at the facts, breaking down the logic of the event...and asking some difficult questions.
only a conspiracy in US

Check out the rest of the world.In Europe where we have a less right wing media,you are actually allowed to have stories contradicting the official govt line on 9/11.When something atrocious like this happens ,you gotta ask.Who benefitted the most from it? You might as well close this now as Ive just replied. By the way,dirtbird is a slur on my personal hygene habits so I dont think its gonna be a hard name to live up to really!
Olaf said:
Thanks for the link!

I watched it...and the poor dude giving the talk is a bit of a dweeb, but he makes some very good points. It's a slow presentation...most people won't be able to stay awake, but I understand that this presentation is just a rough draft: It's not the final, polished product.

For all the doubters I have one word: Squibs.
That's not me calling you ostriches a dirty name, it's a technical term associated with controlled demolitions. And it's as clear as the noses on your faces.

A civil war will break out in the USA over this controversy within the next 5 years.

The Whore In Iraq

I think the planet of the crepes should remain in
outer space, revolving around the sun like it has for
a few million years, and forced to continue in its
orbit until there's either a cure for the common
hangover... or slaughter as a solution to less than
nothing becomes obsolete. Until then, round up the
worst political whores of every country and shoot
them to the outer limits of the universe with signed,
first-edition hardbacks of the works of Charles
Bukowski. Then drop off the self-serving, nuckle-
headed politicians at the Union Station to Nowhere
and bring back the volumes of Bukowski as sacred
relics impervious to rot, mildew or wear.

Problem solved.
For a day.
For an hour.
For a minute.
For a...
Wow... what a surprise...The folks that love Buks writing are against the war in Iraq ;)
Honestly, I would be shocked if there were a person amongst us on this forum that believed that the war in Iraq had any meaning/merit/sanity associated with it.
It is a horrible nightmare farce that will come back (hopefully) and destroy the perpetrators.
But I'll take this thread one step further and cautiously opine that you wankers in the US got the government you deserve.
And here in Oz we have the little monkey johnny hoWARd playing lapdog. so we too... we too.
See Bukowskis poem (as with everything in life :) ) titled Democracy.
Hi BoaB,
I agree with everything that you said. That being said, I know that the honorable mjp has tried to keep this forum non-political.

I, for one, just am happy that this thread has not had much activity. It just gets us away from the topic at hand..

I presented the hypothesis that something other than an airliner hit the Pentagon to my stepfather (who happened to be in the building or on his way there when it hit), and he utterly rejected the possibility. He said it was clearly visible that a plane had hit the Pentagon. I don't know if I can trust conspiracy theorists OR politicians (well, I know I can't trust the latter, at least), but I can definitely trust my stepdad.
Sure Bill.
That why I ended the post with a reference to a Buk poem.
After all, that's why we're all here.
No offence to bongobill, Olaf, brother Schenker or anyone else for that matter but part of the problem is people getting caught up and distracted by shit they can't change... have no control over. Wasting what little personal resources we have (we are creatures of limited energies, after all) and then becoming apathetic about those thing we can change.
I do think that knowledge is power - ignorance should be avoided. But you would not have to prove to me that the Bush administration is capable of bringing down buildings to show the merit in having them voted out of office. The fact that a percentage of the population could even consider the theory shows what low regard Bush is held in.
1. Did we land on the moon?
2. Did the USA attack the USA to further its designs in the middle east?
3. Is Bush a ignorant zealot luny?

1. Don't know - doesn't matter.
2. Don't know... &...
3. Yes.

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