What Are You Doing New Year's Eve ? (1 Viewer)


OK - I've got an idea for Buk.net this December 31st.

Let's check in after midnight (from our respective time zones, of course) and answer two questions :



Bonus points for crazy metaphors used in answering #2.

This could be fun - especially seeing as how this will unfold over so many time zones for everyone. It's still a week away, so think it over. And remember that, if nothing else, Father Luke may outshine us all with his caustic observations of our impaired posting. Cheers !
i'm gonna be working at the restaurant till some ungodly hour. but my boss is pretty loose when it comes to booze, so i may start drinking at around 10pm. expect a drunken post from me at around 2am NZ time.
Great Idea!

But I'm not home on New Year's Eve...

Let's see, I'm back home january 1, at 2 pm or so, then it's 5 am in Los Angeles. Good reason to take a drink. I am an L. A. er.
Well it's going to be 41 degrees here in Melbourne tomorrow (that's 106 Fahrenheit). So I think I'll be drinking a shit load of water along with my booze.
I write this now, as I doubt I'll be online at the proscribed time.

Have a good one, y'all!!
I'll be sleeping, and still wondering what it's all about.

Last year the fireworks in the park across the street kept me awake.

The next morning at the airport my odd hungover behaviour attracted the attention of many security personnel who subjected me to a long interrogation. Meanwhile, lots of bearded, sandalled, turbanned and robed men in their twenties bearing Saudi passports sauntered through the checkpoints with ease.
Oh shit... they just upped the forecast to 42 - "Fine" - there's nothing fine about 42.

Still... my cactus will be happy. And they too don't know what it's all about.
Well it's going to be 41 degrees here in Melbourne tomorrow (that's 106 Fahrenheit). So I think I'll be drinking a shit load of water along with my booze.
I write this now, as I doubt I'll be online at the proscribed time.

Have a good one, y'all!!

Hope you're not going to the city to start trouble, young man ;)

I'll be in Thornbury on the roof of a friend's flats having a few beers and maybe a BBQ. You get a great view of the fireworks from up there
It Is Written

Well done, "Bukfan". Quoting Buk is the best way to make an argument on this site.
I'm a professional drunk.
I will be drinking New Years Eve.
never quit, never give up. or something like that. perhaps a trumpet fanfare might help?
anyway, I'm drinking.
Well, now I've done it. I suggested this great(?) little idea and now I won't be able to participate. I've developed a head and chest cold that will keep me indoors this NYE.

Oh sure, I could press my luck and carry on as usual, but then I would most surely miss work the next day. And missing work means missing money. And I'm not that good at being broke these days.

Ahh...but I will still check in to read about other people's NYE adventures. And Father Luke's comments, of course.
Do you mean that Father Luke is some sort of mere bystander, refusing to partake of New Year cheer?
well it is now 2:30am on the 1st of january 2008, here in nz.

i worked all day, came home, went to work at my other job and had a moderately shit night. lots of bastardy customers, not enough imbibing of alcohol. then the boss threw a tantrum about 11:50pm. then the boss and his dad got in a fight over who had the correct time for the countdown. then me and my other boss arbitrarily decided it was midnight and started cheering our lungs out and toasting our glasses of bolly and everyone else followed suit. idiots. then i drank a couple more wines, smoked too many cigarettes, found out some dirty gossip about a couple of my co-workers, and came home to hang out on the web.

pretty fucking sub-standard, really.
pretty fucking sub-standard, really.

the way you write, it comes up to show everything BUT substandard:
making such observation about human behaviour enriches doesn't it? the count-down-fight, the dirty-gossip-thing - wonderful stupid human behaviour!
AND - you still are sober enough to remember that! I get so out-of-head in these party-situations, I forget all about my interesting society-interacting-observations. That's sad. Be happy you're so together.

Happy New Year!
Going to a big family party and I have to drive and bring food and gifts. My brother's house burnt down to the ground 2 weeks ago so it's essential that I show up and be positive. So the drink will be more than welcome when I get back. And that will be 2 hours into the new year. Then I'll come here and pour a nice porto and see who is here. Have fun all of you.
a sad day for me really. I just put my youngest daughter on the am-track train to Boulder Colo. to go live with her mother and brother. thats the last of my family to leave.:( so now its just me, my cat, this baggie and bottle.(and Bukowski of course) ah yes, so life goes on, at least in some sort of capacity. onward, onward. OK... Happy New Year everyone.
my wife works tonight, so it's just Sam and me. he'll be asleep by 8.
I'll have a few drinks and watch Two - Lane Blacktop that came in the mail today.
Criterion Collection really knows how to do a movie properly. 2 discs and even a book with the screenplay.
long live Warren Oates.
I feel for you 1fsh2fsh
but things always work out somehow ,we adjust
and we create something good in the process , sometimes better than what was.
and hooch you're good...

See you all next year
Well, it's new years day about 9am. Went onto a friend's roof last night to watch the fireworks with a couple of people. Not a bad night except for when my friend Jupiter Jude developed Tourette's syndrome later in the night and started hurling abuse at all her neighbours' by then, slammed shut, front doors
i'm on vacation in new mexico
snow skiing with the wife and kids
picked up some fireworks en route
only to discover the town ordinance forbids them without a permit
looks like i'll be finishing out the old and ringing in the new
as an outlaw.....again
no booze as usual
but i baked a batch of canna-cookies and brought them along
mmmmm....good cookie

happy new year to you all
and don't forget to cook up a pot of black-eyed peas
for good luck

well, it's a few minutes past midnight here...
I just checked on Sam and gave him a kiss. sound asleep...when you're 3 and 3/4 New Years means shit. proper thing.
I'm drunk but not DRUNK.
Two-lane Blacktop was excellent, as remembered.
ok, Happy New Year.
I'll check back in an hour.
ok, to all the people in the eastern time zone in the states, Happy New Year!
I'm going to bed. Sam will be up in 5 hours, and I promise tomorrow i won't type the word "Sam".
good night fuckers.
Outside my hotel window, Santa Cruz's Pacific Ave is winding down from
something called: "Last Night".


I don't know about y'all, but watching teenagers puking in flower vases
on the streets, and then getting arrested, gets old after a few times.

I'll be cuddling with my baby. I have the entire six seasons of the Sopranos.
It's 9:00 we are through two episodes. Neither of us have ever watched this.
I have the entire six seasons of the Sopranos.
It's 9:00 we are through two episodes. Neither of us have ever watched this.

Lucky you! I'm a Sopranos fan. It's one of the best TV series in later years (together with Deadwood), I think. What do you think of it? Do you like it?
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About to take a couple of codeine (for my back), a double shot of Essence of Spud (for my front) and a couple of hits of some kinda potent green shit (for my top).

Up early tomorrow to take the kids to the mountains and the snow.

So, happy 2008 to one and all. Let's hope it's a damn sight better than 2007.
the new year just started... still talking to rubyred. gettin' the year started off right, that's for sure! with beers.
Lucky you! I'm a Sopranos fan. It's one of the best TV series in later years (together with Deadwood), I think. What do you think of it? Do you like it?

Agree with you about Deadwood - Best of Show.
Sopranos is in the top three right next to Deadwood.

Had a glitch and watched 1,2,3,11,12,13,4...

yeah. you read that right. - funny.
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