What wouldn't you do for a living if living was the only way out? (1 Viewer)

aaaaahhhhhhh...It's hard to say! At the right/wrong circumstances, we are all capable of doing the most appalling things.

But interesting question and brings up the book I read no long ago: "No Heroes" by Chris Offut. About father-in-law's Holocaust survival, and what other people did to others, in order to survive.
I shudder to think of the think of the things I might be driven to do in desperate circumstances.

That said, I'd rather not work on a pig farm, handle snakes, climb...uh, this could go awhile
Speaking of snakes. People love to kill snakes down here in Mississippi. My wife 'rescued' one beautiful Speckled King snake, in front of the Post Office from the terrified mob. I do daily 'work' of moving the snakes, and turtles from incominig traffic (pretty dumb huh?) Most, even cottonmouths are cooperative except Rat Snakes, they can be agressive.
Jeez...I'm new in these parts. Back home (in New England) one did not have to concern themselves with Copperheads, Cottonmouths, Corals and whatnot. I've been hyper-vigilant since my arrival, but have only seen the aforementioned Kingsnake moving about the place. I understand they are immune to the pit-vipers toxin.

I've worked on chicken farms, don't want to do that again.

I've worked in a hospital morgue, don't want to do that again.

I've worked as a fisherman in North Atlantic winters, don't want to do that again.

That said, I'd still rather do those, than do the snake bit.

God Love ye Man!
Work in a gimmicky, trendy restaurant again. They seem to expect smiles all the time moreso than others of a more traditional variety (I wasn't a waiter by the way).
I would not consruct fake chicken penises to be used in ritual Santaria ceremonies presides over by dairy product delegates taking kickbacks from anonymous canary trainers.
that's ok. but at least it's better than the job I had counting the wrinkles on leper's scrotums. something to do with holistic healing. I dunno, I didn't ask questions. they paid in cash.
at least ONE thing, we know, how to do.
(we weren't as good in making 12 years look like a thousand, haha!)

[ps: I'm waiting for the First PC-guy to complain about all this! - it WILL come, I'm sure.]
I liked the scrotum-job. Was able to put some material aside and make lampshades. Payed extra money.

Ah, you may be the Ilse Koch of our times although you prefer scrotums instead of tattoo's...:D
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at least ONE thing, we know, how to do.
(we weren't as good in making 12 years look like a thousand, haha!)

[ps: I'm waiting for the First PC-guy to complain about all this! - it WILL come, I'm sure.]

I'm a PC guy and I'm not complaining. Sometimes funny is funny and true is true. 12 years is not 1000.

Rock on!


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