I've been obsessed with chasing Bukowski rarities for a long time and this is as close as I was able to get to locating a copy of WRITE magazine: WRITE was published out of Atlanta and if you know anything about Bukowski's history, this makes perfect sense. The only copy I was able to locate was an issue in the archives at the University of Georgia in Athens. This issue (Vol. 1, No. 3, December 1940) did not contain any work by Bukowski. The archivist I spoke to said that this issue has ads for goods and services throughout the state, so it is likely the mag had (at least) statewide distribution. The publisher was Cathleen Wheeler and the Editor was Helen E. Cook. After that, I hit a brick wall. The sad reality is that it is not likely that the issue with Bukowski's work in it has survived, but if I started to believe that to be the case, what reason would I have to out of bed in the morning?