You are unique, just like everybody else (1 Viewer)

I am new to poetry and literature, but find myself intrigued by the writings of Bukowski. I'm 23, an Iraq veteran, and a fan of the different and the "offbeat". I have read a few short stories and "Notes of a Dirty Old Man". I'm looking forward to getting to know the website and all of you.
Welcome to the forum, Americabre. The last fella I welcomed here guzzled a jug of Charles Shaw and had a nervous breakdown so please keep your shit together.:) And don't go to the music thread and say, Reggae sucks! - that'd be bad. Now go spend your time wisely and read more Buk.
Thank you guys. I'm glad to know that I'm welcome.

@Stavrogin; Don't worry, Richard and his Wild Irish Rose is really more my taste.

@ Ponder; Bukowski is officially on shopping list.
Welcome, yes buy as much buk as you can! Did you ever hear of, or read My War: Killing Time in Iraq by Colby Buzzell? It's one of the best books I've ever read on the war, or any subject really. If not, I highly recommend it and have always wondered of others who were actually there and their opinion on it.

Wow, I was just reading the publishers weekly(whatever that means) review on amazon where it says this: "this book is actually more engrossing as a portrait of the day-to-day life of a young American soldier who has "read, and re-read, countless times, every single one of [Bukowski's] books." Like Bukowski, Buzzell appears to be a sentimental misanthrope"

I read the book back in 2005-2006, and actually didn't remember the buk reference. But according to that review, somewhere in the book, he must have mentioned being a big Bukowski fan. I remember picking it up after hearing Henry Rollins rave on and on about it.

The book, started as a blog, and is basically Colby's prose. Anyway, found that Bukowski comment interesting. All in all, a good book for sure.
Welcome to the forum. All of Bukowski's writing is great, but I would definitely recommend his poetry. Try "Burning In Water/Drowning In Flame" or "Dangling In The Tournefortia". Also, his letters and correspondence are amazing too.

Thank you for your service. And welcome home.

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