and still the night left to go: poems and letters by Christopher Cunningham (2 Viewers)
Christopher Cunningham - and still the night left to go: poems and letters
2013. Poetry/Letters. 64pp, 5.5 inches x 8.5 inches. Second printing. The first printing in 2006 was stapled in wraps and issued in 2 volumes.
Limited to an edition of 126 copies; 100 perfect bound paperbacks ($10) and 26 signed
hardcovers quarter bound in letterpress printed boards with an original watercolor
by the author mounted to the cover. ($30)

I rarely do second printings, but this one sold out super quick when it came out in 2006.

The paper copies ship asap. The hardcovers are not done yet. I'm waiting for the signed sheets and original artwork for the edition to be done. Should be ready in about a week to 10 days.

Thanks a million bill. It's a goddamn honor.

I advise you people here to make yr lives complete by purchasing this book which smells like endurance and honeysuckle.

It will solve all yr petty grievances, and give you a fresh feeling all over.

It's like a puppy who never shits in the house except that one time.

A famous author you've all heard of said of this book: "Huh? Who?"

And etc.

Sent from my telegraph
It's about goddamned time Cunningham got off his duff and did a little something with himself. People were beginning to talk...
Hooch I am eligible for an upgrade in twoscore years and a fortnight. I will take it under advisement.

Hosh people were probably talking about Miley Cyrus. I understand she did a little something with herself recently.
Shessh, for a second there I thought it might have somethingto do with that Achy Breaky dude...but then I realized there's no way in hell anyone could have forgiven him, right?
It was a great mail day today. Got a package from Bill that included the Cunningham book, plus I got my two Legacy Edition cds of Peter Tosh's Equal Rights and Legalize It from Popmarket.

Good day indeed.
I'm still waiting on the paintings and original typed poems for the hardcovers, so anyone that ordered them, they are gonna come out soon...

I got my two Legacy Edition cds of Peter Tosh's Equal Rights and Legalize It from Popmarket.
Equal Rights, disc 2, track 9, turn it up loud.

Hell, just turn the whole thing up loud.

Except the JA mix of Legalize It. For some reason that sounds like crap. Like it was mastered from an LP. No bass.

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