BUKOWSKICAL! (3 Viewers)

"GO... riotously funny!" -L.A. Weekly

" It's terrific fun, and so wrong in all the right ways."
-BackStage West (CRITIC'S PICK!)

"...take-no-prisoners pandemonium... an uproarious romp!" -L.A. Times

"...deflates Bukowski's legend and hipster
image with a sober vengeance..." -Variety

Sacred Fools Theater Company presents...

a new late-night musical

by Spencer Green
& Gary Stockdale
music by Gary Stockdale
directed & choreographed
by Dean Cameron

March 17 - May 26, 2006
Fridays @ 11pm
(no show April 7 or May 5)
Delusion, heartbreak, necrophilia, drunkenness,
cirrhosis of the liver and some catchy tunes.
Tickets: $10
Reservations: (310) 281-8337
or Buy Tickets Online!

Map to the Theater
You're invited to the Sacred Angel Fist Circle of Note Gang Theater Company's
final backers' audition for one man's labor of love: BUKOWSICAL!
A Musical based on the writings of his hero: Charles Bukowski.

Bring your checkbook and your producer friends. You'll be
sure to want a piece of this Broadway Bound show!
We have very little time to raise a lot of money.
Visit the SAFCNG Website for more details

Christina Byron, Kathi Copeland, Matthew Garland, Ian R. Gould,
Michael Lanahan, David Lawrence, Steven Memel & Fleur Phillips
Executive Producer - John Mitchell
Costumes by Ruth Silveira
Tune in here for the BUKOWSICAL! Podcast...
Previews, Cast and Crew Interviews and more!


Podcast provided by David Lawrence and The David Lawrence Show

If that's supposed to be Bukowski, then I'm Norman Mailer.

Ha, I think they're reading this...they've changed it to a closer approximation, but it's still kind of a bullshit representation. Not that a caricature is supposed to be anything other than surface-y...


What I don't understand is why people keep trying to adapt Bukowski for the stage. There's another one going on at a big theater here in Los Angeles that someone was just telling me about yesterday...I don't get it.

I mean I do get it - theater is just as empty as film, and it's easier to mine the past and imitate than to come up with an original thought. The irony is they celebrate Bukowski for his original approach. Go figure.
mjp said:
...and it's easier to mine the past and imitate than to come up with an original thought. The irony is they celebrate Bukowski for his original approach. Go figure.


It's worse than that. They've written original lyrics that truly suck. It might have worked had they used Buk poems, etc. (I once toyed with the idea of one based on "Screams from the Balc.", but the estate wanted $5k for rights).

Sample from Bukowsical:

(listen half way thru to song). and:

But, on Buk *not* being beat, they got it right:

As I was downloading the first MP3, I said to myself, "Self, don't do it! Don't listen to this! You already want to load all of those theater types into giant earth mover dump trucks and pour them out into the Pacific ocean. Listening to this will not be good. Don't do it!"

But I never pay attention to that wise inner voice, so I listened to all of those "podcasts." Like slowing down to see the carnage of a four car wreck on the Hollywood freeway, I had to do it. I couldn't help myself.

Do I wish I hadn't listened? Yes. Yes I do. Will I be able to erase the horror of what I heard from my memory? Hopefully. With enough time and gin, I believe I may heal.

Though I fear that anyone actually seeing that...that...thing in person, may be permanently and irrevocably scarred and damaged. So there's my warning. Save yourself! Stay away! For the love of all that you hold dear and holy, stay away!

Thank you.
My only hope is that someone may be bold enough to promptly shoot the people involved in this for Chaser of my Heart alone.

I think I've died a little.
$20 is about $18 too much.....


Ebay description "Poster for the Musical based on the life of Charles H. Bukowski. "

Is that like Jesus H. Christ?


After 15 gd years working with actors, and worse artistic directors in a largish theatre in Austin I can say I'm in no fear of even THINKING of downloading that MP3, I HATE theatre and everyone involved in it, except the octogenerian volunteer ushers, whom I simply fear.
I'm glad to report after seeing some really fucked up stuff like this Buk musical (think musical about Buckminster Fuller, ok?) over the years I have been totally theatre free (and only four movies) since 2001.
The funny thing is that the subject of these productions might well have appreciated them both, since a scurrilous sense of humor and humility were prevalent in his work. - Variety (from Bukowskical! website)

OK, so now I know, Variety is totally worthless. I think you would have to have a "scurrilous sense of humor" AND an absolute disregard for good writing to appreciate what I've heard from Bukowskical!, and that disregard for writing is something the "subject of these productions" did not have. I don't particularly like what they've done with BUK's work(life?), but please, can someone stop them before they decide to create "Melvilleiscal" or "James Joyciscal"? I just don't think I can take anymore of that whole "wisecracking, irreverent, crazy, unexpected and full of surprises" musical scene, it's all just so absurd and not very interesting.....
God, what a terrible Idea!

Oddly enough, I almost went to see 'factotum' in play form in a theatre in Glasgow, but thankfully I missed it and didn't bother trying to go again. I wonder if it was any good.

I've not seen many plays recently but the notion of Bukowski on stage makes me cringe a little. I prefer the books and the poems...that much will do.

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