catching hearts in hands... (2 Viewers)

Hi All

I wanted to say hi and make a request for new friends...

I have been into all things Bukowski since 1990 when I first came across The Roominhouse Madrigals. They say you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but the standout size and design of Black Sparrows collections made the book of poetry stand out from all the others on the shop shelves. I started to read and I was hooked. I'm not proud of this but unable to afford the book I stole it and went home and devoured every page (some years later I went back and paid for the book, I think they thought I was nuts in the bookshop). From there I got hold of everything Buk wrote, my first tattoo was the image of the boxer from his tombstone with "don't try" underneath. I am from London but spent a year at UC Boulder and had my first short story published in a collection of illustrated stories - mine was right next to Bukowski's "Bring Me Your Love" illustrated by R Crumb. I thought I had died and gone to heaven the day I found out I had made the cut and the editor knowing what a fan I was chose to put my piece next to Buk's which was a real honour.

From Bukowski I went on to discover Fante - first John, then Dan. I am also a big fan of Tom Waits and Harvey Pekar.

I am here partly to say hi and to keep up with all the discussions on all things Bukowski but also because I am looking for a penpal. Someone to share ideas and thoughts on Bukowski and on art in general with. To talk about our lives and our own writing. To maybe be there for each other so that our trees falling in a forest can make a sound. I am male, 38, live in London with my wife and 2 kids. I've had my work published in a few American journals, most recently in The Los Angeles Review.

I hope you dont mind me using this forum but I am not looking for any old pen pal. I do specifically want to talk about my literary loves, of which, Charles Bukowski will always hold a special place. I don't care what gender you are, or where you are, or what you look like - I just want to have some engaged and interesting correspondence in 2011. My email is [not for public disclosure - ed.].

I hope that I will hear from someone soon. As John Fante would sometimes end his letters, I wish all of you on this forum the very best of everything. Stay healthy and happy and have a good time - don't fall...

I wouldn't look for pen pals here... just participate in the forum. I mean, that's why it's here, right? You'll make lots of friends. For example, there's a couple who met on this forum and ended up getting married. Another example... hoochmonkey and I met here and now we have hot monkey cyber-sex every night before bed. Doesn't get much better than that, no siree.

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