Hello from Philly (2 Viewers)

Hey there, I am John. I just wanted to check in and introduce myself. The first time I've visited bukowski.net was four years ago, and that was my first introduction to Bukowski's poetry, right here. I was inspired by his writing, just like so many. Reading Bukowski has changed my life and made me wanted to write myself. I started writing poetry first and later short stories. After years of rejections from various magazines and literary publications I thought, fuck them, and I built my own blog/website where I write anything I want, and it is all published right there, for free and for the world to see. I've read many of Bukowski's works (all novels) and about twenty-some books of poetry, and still catching up on posthumous releases. For the last two years, I've had a goal to read one Bukowski book per month, besides all other reading and writing that I do. Because of Bukowski, I've discovered and read works by John Fante, Celine, and Hemingway, who are now my favorite writers.

Lastly, I want to say thank you to all those people who were involved in building this incredible bukowski.net website. I've discovered and learned here a lot. I don't think there is another writer in the world with such a resourceful website like this one. I'm from Philadelphia, and I like to read so many references and stories about Bukowski's life that took place here. He's been visiting Philly twice, as far as I know, something must've kept him coming back. On bukowski.net under 'Timeline' I've found some addresses where he lived and worked, and I went out and visited all those landmarks. Those neighborhoods are now turning into these gentrified, up-and-coming 'hipsters' communities. Driving by I was trying to imagine drunk Bukowski roaming these streets back in the day and just wondering how everything has changed over time. But the memories and his writing remains and will always live. Cheers to you all!

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