I don't see it...he's not going to make it (5 Viewers)

...I am afraid they are turning him into the POP-art-anti-hero. And not on the shelves with Hemingway and the other American influential writers...no, no they wont leave him in peace like that. "He was a drunk, he beat his women...he hated Jews! . Too volatile to be thought in the schools...and frankly too simple -and financially successful-to be taken anything but looked down - with envy - by the academicians at the Universities (who also write). The things haven;t changed much since he was living, and maybe he would rather see himself in the comic book, or the lyrics of some Rock Band...this turned into the blab fest...I forgot what was my point...I'll come back at the later date...MJP when I strike 100th post do I get a lollipop?
Not sure where this came from. Complexity and simplicity. Someone said "beauty in simplicity," and then probably reneged when they read Buk. But then again, that just doesn't capture Buk at all.

Again? This tired argument? Doesn't make either side right. Just one side petty.

Where is this supposed to go?
My mistake

... I should have known that omission of "....." would cause misunderstanding. But lets call a spade a spade, and say that this Forum does disservice to Bukowski work. And the most members/fans - and including our own very angry and bored host-are accomplices, no different than any other Celebrity forum in cheapening his importance as a serious 'contender.' The most members are 'writers' or some kind of misunderstood artists - the very bunch Bukowski couldn't stand! A wannabe either 'drunks' or 'poets.' Just like the crowd that laughed at the poem, that wasn't meant to be funny. I will arrogantly say, you people don't know an elbow from your asshole! And reading this forum took pleasure out of my enjoyment of his books. Go, ahead, I went to the full hilt, chuck me into the manure pit. But don't worry the "measure" will be taken, and measures are MJP's job.
...And reading this forum took pleasure out of my enjoyment of his books.

Then stop reading it. No one makes you come here. You don't need mjp or anyone else to escort you to the door - just leave.

Don't try to be a martyr. It's very unbecoming. And besides, that role's been played-out enough anyway.
this is the 2nd time you asked mjp to 86 you.

stop the passive aggressive bullshit and walk away.

and yes, I'm aware that Bukowski would hate me (or people like me). I've heard that one a few times, so you can save it.
No, he has to keep coming back. He's in love with me but I have spurned him, so he is angry and petulant. This often happens, it is a sexual magnetism that I possess that enchants men and women alike. I can't help it, it just happens. Modern medicine has so far not found a way to stop it.

Bill Sikes emailed me privately and asked for help writing his memoirs. And I quote, "mjp, help me, I need a word that rhymes with cataclysmic! I am at the stage of my memoir where I lost my job at the Pack 'N' Ship. I'm writing that chapter as an epic poem, ala Leaves of Grass. But I am stuck. If you could whip up a few paragraphs and send them my way I can get this thing to Kinkos before they close! Thanks!" I didn't respond, and I see now that I should have, because he's been grudging on me here ever since.

I don't understand it, but Sikes is in love and even if I wanted to I couldn't return his perverse affections. You should see some of the pictures he sends to me. "Do you think I look pretty in this?" etc., etc. It's like a bad MySpace obsession taken to a ridiculous extreme. I would take out a restraining order against him, but he keeps moving from halfway house to halfway house, and it's impossible to track him to one address for more than a few days.

Anyway, I don't mean to burden you guys with my problems.
Bukowski would hate to see what you are doing Bill Sikes more than any of us. He was not antagonistic and argumentative to the point you have reached.

So clear your head, read what you are writing here and put yourself in our shoes. You are not making sense. Perhaps this is a good time to stop drinking or whatever. You use to make good sense.
this is crazed. mjp, is all that shit you wrote real. sometimes the threads on this site disturb me. cant we all just nerd out on some bukowski and leave it at that?
Move along folks, nothing to see here anymore...

the ballroom brawl is over -for now. Gerard, MJP doesn't wear any shoes, he sound like a guy who wears flip-flops year around - or worse yet CROCS!
Bill is really getting to be a pain in the M***!

I saw a really nice pair of shoes the other day, but they were not so nice.

I like fish a lot, but only if it is not too fishy or plain.

...I am afraid they are turning him into the POP-art-anti-hero. And not on the shelves with Hemingway and the other American influential writers...
Ahh, fear not! Buk will never be mainstream (he would turn in his grave) but I know for a fact that he is being taught to at least one select group of young Parisiennes on an annual basis.
the ballroom brawl is over -for now. Gerard, MJP doesn't wear any shoes, he sound like a guy who wears flip-flops year around - or worse yet CROCS!

I think you're trying to be a little too zany there. I don't know what Bukowski would make of that (although I could hazard a guess). It leaves me a little cold though :p
Be careful. Questioning someone who insults me makes you a sheep in their eyes. They find it impossible to believe that you could find anything they say to be idiotic without my direct influence or intervention.

I am the puppet master and I control all of your thoughts, don't you see? You are all desperate to curry my favor, as incredibly valuable as that is!

Yes. As all of the haters know:

mjp is the lord and savior to all of us in America...

In other English speaking countries he is not "lord and savior", but he is "lord and saviour"....

I'm American, so I'm ignorant of any other cultures. I bet mjp speaks a million languages, though. Just like jesus. and Michael Jackson; who I hear are both the same person anymore.

mjp, please tell me how to feel. I'm lost without you.

Is it outrage? I think its outrage. Let me use my psychic tendrils to find out...
LickTheStar, you feel outrage, yes. You are also strangely tingly in your taint area from too much time on a bicycle seat. Those things combined may cause you to lash out today. Best to stay inside and stare at a picture of me.
He and I did that all day yesterday. Should we do it again today? I don't want to anger you by questioning your omnipotence. Maybe it is just that we are not meant to understand? Is that your will?

today is Thursday and I can't remember if I should pray to the statue of mjp in robes, or the one where He is nude.

is it Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday nude? and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday robes? or the opposite?

someone help!
C'Mon guys. You have all been to the class. It is easy.

Monday, Wednesday & Friday - NUDE
Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday - In Monk Robes
Sunday - In his tight white ball-hugger jeans.

Don't upset Him with your ignorance.

I thought Sunday was the Princess Di wedding gown you guys bought for me at that Sotheby's auction? Don't tell me I've been going around in that every week for nothing...
Ahh, fear not! Buk will never be mainstream (he would turn in his grave) but I know for a fact that he is being taught to at least one select group of young Parisiennes on an annual basis.

Actually, I think he is mainstream now. I hear references to Bukowski on sitcoms. His books sell like crazy. He's in mall bookstores. They've made films based on his books. I don't know how he could be more mainstream. This is not to say that his art is mainstream. But his art has been around long enough to have become a standard among an element of the population looking for alternative points of view. Much like Kerouac, Brautigan, J. D. Salinger.
I forgot about this thread. I am glad to have revisited it, if only to be reminded of my place in the scheme of things. There is a very cliche' saying that comes to mind here:
'Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.'
I think Bukowski might agree, well, only if mjp says it Okay. CRB:)

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