Is graffiti art? (4 Viewers)

Is graffiti art?


I was asking an earnest question, excuse me for "trolling" (?). My point is taking from the comment that ""vandalism is different from graffiti" and I wonder what exactly he meant, troll I must (?) but what's so different? including the fact that graffiti can be done on paper, legal walls and residential property etc.
I was considering making this it's own thread when the question "is graffiti art?" came to mind but I felt it wasn't worth it when there was the thread 'Art & Artists'. I asked the question because I wasn't sure myself and considering the range of intelligence that grace this forum I thought that some retrospect could be brought to surface. I just don't feel that these pictures do this thread justice, but I'm sure we've all seen it, somewhere. Mind you there is some amazing stuff on the walls.

I apologize if I am trolling, I just figured this being "All things *not* Buk" that that meant anything *not* Buk could be discussed.
Graffiti can be art, it depends on how you define Art though doesn't it? Little bastards tagging their names on fences, street signs, shop Walls and windows, trains.. any surface, that's not art. Art is subjective so it's a loaded question.
It leads to the basic question what is art and discussing that is useless. The question is useless. I love how chimpanzees are able to paint pictures that make art experts believe the works must have been done by a very, very talented human being. Give spray cans to the apes.
In my informal opinion, graffiti can be art but of course is not always art. However, what does not seem like art to me may seem like art to someone else. My very good friend Eriq Hunt (let me pick up that name right there) considers himself a graffiti artist. And on some of his work, I agree with him. On his other "pieces", I kind of look at him like an imp of toil without meaning ;).
I vote yes-I know a young fellow who's into art and he creates murals using the graffiti style. The tagging is dull but most of it is just people expressing themselves.
Yes, Banksy is cool by me. Mona Lisa Smiley Face? Awesome.

Other graffiti? Some is, some isn't. I could go for a MORE cop out answer, but... I'm tired.
Dear dear informal,
Perhaps you are the type that need's someone else to tell you what they think you are suppose to like. Mabey this will help you decide for yourself!

No Digit you've got me wrong, I'm not the type that is told what I should like because very little appeases me, however I will usually check out recommendations. The picture above when BONER and 4EVER scaled that ten story building with paint rollers, I found that bit work amazing (or maybe it's my extreme fear of heights that overwhelms me). Perhaps a couple of apes with paint could've done it better, either way I'd still like it. As for the question I asked I believe Blek Le Rat said it nicely here:

Interviewer: "There still seems to be a very fine line between those who see graffiti as art and those who see it as a form of vandalism, what are your views on this?"
Blek: "Vandalism? I think they are wrong. It is a present that you make to the people and you take a big risk in doing it!"

Anyone can do graffiti just as anyone can write poetry, finger paint and cook a steak but there are very few who can do it well (or in some cases to another's liking).
Anyone can do graffiti just as anyone can write poetry, finger paint and cook a steak but there are very few who can do it well (or in some cases to another's liking).

Perhaps you could say there are very few who do it with the passion it deserves. A friend, who is a very passionate poet, once asked me what poetry is to me. Is it a religion, a hobby, or a career?

I think the answer depends on how much passion one has for the craft.
Is graffiti art?

I believe Blek Le Rat said it nicely here:

Interviewer: "There still seems to be a very fine line between those who see graffiti as art and those who see it as a form of vandalism, what are your views on this?"
Blek: "Vandalism? I think they are wrong. It is a present that you make to the people and you take a big risk in doing it!"

Anyone can do graffiti just as anyone can write poetry, finger paint and cook a steak but there are very few who can do it well (or in some cases to another's liking).

Looks like you answered your own question then. Case closed.

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