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Run with the Hunted - 1962 one! (4 Viewers)

A lot of writing in that one. But it's so uncommon it hardly matters. Let's see where it goes. ;)
did you guys received a heads up from the seller? Unless he's someone from the forum, I don't understand why he should send me the heads up!
Holy mother of God! I cannot recall the last time I saw one of these on the market. These are really, really rare. mjp is correct that the writing is irrelevant. COLD DOGS turns up once in a while, but this title? Never!

And I did not receive a heads up.
cirerita said:
did you guys received a heads up from the seller? Unless he's someone from the forum, I don't understand why he should send me the heads up!
By email or private forum message? That is strange.

I'm sure he/she will get a good price, but still, this is a dangerous time to sell these books without a reserve.
mjp said:
I'm sure he/she will get a good price, but still, this is a dangerous time to sell these books without a reserve.

I agree with you 100%! I think he is out of his mind to put this thing on eBay right now. If I had to, and if I could afford to wait, I would put it in a Fall auction at Swann or Pacific Book Auction. These high-ticket items always seem to do better at the auction houses vs. eBay.
Well, I wish I had the scratch to be taking advantage of this buyer's market. A really nice copy of It Catches went unsold for $499 the other day. Everything is going begging.
mjp said:
By email or private forum message? That is strange.
I received it through eBay messaging system. Here's the message:
Hello- Just a heads-up! I've just listed several Charles Bukowski
first editions, one from 1962 & the other from 1965...Good
Luck! Updoc!
I've never bought anything from this guy, so I just don't know how he knew I might be interested in B stuff!
mjp said:
Well, I wish I had the scratch to be taking advantage of this buyer's market. A really nice copy of It Catches went unsold for $499 the other day. Everything is going begging.
yeah, I saw that one and even made a REALLY low offer to the seller once the auction ended, but he said he'll try to sell it again sometime in the future and he said he was not "entirely shocked" to learn the book got no bids! Strangely enough, last week another copy of It Catches sold for $600...
Oh man, fuck me with a god damn motherfucking rusty pole! I totally forgot that was ending. Damn.

mjp said:
Oh man, fuck me with a god damn motherfucking rusty pole!
must be friday night...

anyway, yeah, I entered an early bid of $500 and forgot about it. a bargain indeed.
How can I get a listing of the poems in this chapbook from the database?
I seem to only get up poems from the 1993 Harper Collins book...
It isn't in the old database. I mean, it is, but it isn't searchable as the book. It's just one of about 500 different weaknesses of the current database structure.

Wrong Number
A Literary Romance
Sundays Kill More Men than Bombs
Hooray Say the Roses
The Sunday Artist
3:30 A.M. Conversation
A Minor Impulse to Complain
Down thru the Marching
The Priest and the Matador
Ants Crawl My Drunken Arms
Monday Beach, Cold Day
Pull Me thru the Temples, Pull Me thru the Wine
Conversation on a Telephone
Old Man, Dead in a Room
I Am Visited by an Editor and a Poet
A Real Thing, a Good Woman
Horse on Fire
Hermit in the City

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