The Next Buk (3 Viewers)

In one interview, an old Buk discusses his quote unquote salvation of literature. he humbly states that he was just doing what should have been done. I'm not going to be able to give a link right now, because I'm in the country on DIAL UP. ha. (If somebody could post this video it will help a lot, because technically I could be lying.)

Buk basically says he is waiting for the next person to start writing this way: against intellectualism. writing for the sake of writing. honesty.

Many claim to know the next in line. Some even say it is somebody from the same scene as buk.

Finally the Question. Who now best embodies the spirit of Bukowski's art, not personality.

I think such a person could or has emerged from hip hop, but it is hard to see. not sarcasm.

I think such a person could or has emerged from hip hop, but it is hard to see. not sarcasm.
LOL i'm sorry but thats the funniest thing i've read all day.

now, I would say Dan Fante but he was a dick to me so I'll have to move on to the next...which is nobody. so many imitators, so little talent. there may never be another to write the next line, and even if there would be, I'm sure the authors would be swayed by his bukowskiesq mannerisms and chalk him in the can with all the other copy cats.
Being a dick never stopped anyone from being a good writer.
In fact the opposite might be true (?)...

I really don't know what "the next" means but when I read Jarhead I laughed out loud at the quality of writing (great, btw) and thought "there will be other books to read even though Buk is dead". It was a great relief.
I have read almost everything by Dan Fante and as enjoyable as it is to read, I don't find there is really anything that original about his writing. I can't help but think if he did not have that heritage of being John Fante's (who of course is a truly excellent writer) son, he would be lumped in with the thousands of other Bukowski immitators desperetely trying to make it. Sorry if that sounds a little indelicate, but I feel that may have been the case.
...if he did not have that heritage of being John Fante's (who of course is a truly excellent writer) son, he would be lumped in with the thousands of other Bukowski immitators desperetely trying to make it.
Well, it's a curse to take up your famous father's line of work. You see it a lot in music, where the offspring of famous musicians struggle against comparison all the time. The comparison is unfair, of course, but inevitable and unavoidable.
There are, presumably, lots and lots of writers still to this day. Many of them horrible, like someone learning poker and getting the shit kicked out of them by much better players. Still others have original voices not yet defined as their own, and so get pigeonholed as “like” some other author.

Forgive me, but if it weren’t for John Fante, arguably, Buk would have been among the legions of scribblers going quietly mad. If I’m not mistaken Bukowski acknowledges and praises Papa Fante.

There’s a writing school exercise. Read some Chekov, or Faulkner …whoever. Then write something in that voice. Do it with as many as you want. The eventual result, hopefully, being the expression of your own voice. Hunter Thompson famously used to type Fitzgerald’s works out on his typewriter to get the feel, and the flow.

So, pretenders, as long as their not too terrible, I can stomach, and I look for the word, the line, the idea …that sparkle we all have which we try to hide behind our fears, also known as personal ‘biases’. The good ones can’t hide that voice. It’s like a silent fart from someone sitting next to you which you don’t suspect it until it hits you.

There will never be another Bukowski. But, god willing, we will continue to have original voices, that surprise us, like those silent but deadly farts.
If you like Bukowksi you may like the novels of JM Coetzee, particularly 'Disgrac' and "The life and times of Michael K"

Very different writing styles but similar themes: struggle, just not fitting into the system, all that kinda stuff.
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