What are you listening to? The world really needs to know. #6 (3 Viewers)

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Very sad news about the death of Andy Fraser in March, this following Jack Bruce's death October last year, two fantastic bassists/songwriters
(can't upload songs on this)
21st century ragamuffin style!

When I heard the first LL Cool J record a million years ago I thought, "Damn, this guy has more lyrics in one song than most people have on an entire album." Which is kind of the same thing I thought when I heard this track from Stephen Marley's son (Bob's grandson) Jo Mersa.

I suddenly like Metallica.

I'm sure the guitar player gets most of the attention (perhaps deservedly so) but that drummer is seriously solid.
I discovered this composer just recently. He only got 20 (!) years old. Wrote this stuff at 17. He got compared to Mozart a lot. Incredible harmonies and melodies, imho.

Not entirely sure what to make of this. Other than there was a lot of cocaine in Hollywood in 1977...

[This video is unavailable.]
I am in the process of ugrading my turntable. I am in for a world of hurt, but I'm going to do it nonetheless. Let me go on record as stating that I am doing this because I want to give it a go, not because I am in the camp of "vinyl is better," or any other nonsense.
Well, you have a lot of options, anyway. They still make good turntables, and the older ones will all do the job too. Thanks to the resurgence in vinyl it's a lot easier to buy a good turntable these days than a good CD player.

If you favor the older stuff (and you don't mind watching and waiting for a month or two), this guy sells good refurbished equipment. A lot of things can go wrong with a turntable, so if you buy an older used one it's best to get one that's been gone over and tuned up.
Tell everybody to piss off tonight
They should piss off and leave you alone in your room tonight

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