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You Don't See a Signed Assholes Every Day (4 Viewers)

Very pricey, but there can't be too many of these signed:


Very pricey indeed.

I'll bet (ny)Mark has a signed copy of that. He seems to have a signed copy of everything.
His probably has a two-page inscription as well!

As for price, as this is one of my two or three favorite Buk works, I might go as high as half the current BIN. Maybe. Considering an unsigned copy is about $600, with the drawing, comment and signature, $1,000 doesn't seem unreasonable. They'll probably hold out for twice that for years to come...

Some useless trivia - although ATAITWAM came out after Confessions of a Man..., in the original ...Assholes..., Buk's character isn't Henry Chinaski, it's Henry Charles Puchinski Jr. This is the only edit made that I have seen when it was reprinted in South of No North.
whoa! that copy is super rare - if you check the entry for 'all the assholes' in krumhansl, he makes special reference to a single copy that contains a drawing of a jockey riding falcor from 'the never ending story.' i never thought i'd see it on ebay.
You know what I find strange, they're still asking $4.00 for postage! Also, the seller has had few sales and what she has sold previously is in the main old tat (including some laminated Jesus bookmarks). I wonder what the story is to them suddenly popping up with this gem? Maybe they exchanged it for some cup cake holders at the last Keepsake Calender Conference?

This is what a shitty office job does to you, you become a researcher of ebay sellers!
I had to Google "Falcor from The Never Ending Story," which, based on the results I saw, makes me way less gay than you.

mjp, you always sell yourself short. no one is gayer than you. no one.
Just in case anyone gives a crap as to why I don't spend much time here anymore.

next time, i'll make sure to make jokes that involve complex peptides and monomers. and here i thought my witty back-and-forth with mjp was the definitive comedy of manners of our time.
next time, i'll make sure to make jokes that involve complex peptides and monomers. and here i thought my witty back-and-forth with mjp was the definitive comedy of manners of our time.

Sorry, Jordan; on the rag for a while and the rip-cord broke last night. Sepsis is a real bugger.

BTW, I'm not a peptide/polymer sort. Dunno, but sometimes I'm hoping for just a true analysis of the subject at hand. My idiocy aside.
no, i get it - i'm that way most of the time. btw, is a "monomer" even a thing? i don't know what a peptide is.

to go back to the subject at hand, i do think sometimes that bukowski's cartoons are hilariously bad, even for dashed-off doodles - no doubt any bukowski drawing enhances the value of the signature and adds character, but there's a reason he's famous for his writing and not for his drawings of horses.
I've never been to the horses, but I used to bet the puppies regularly in CT, so I have a certain affection for all of Buk's track-related material. But you're correct; it ain't the greatest drawing ever.

A monomer is the building block for a polymer. Styrene is the monomer used to make polystyrene (styrofoam), for example. In biochemistry, proteins are essentially biopolymers made up of amino acids. In that sense, amino acids could be thought of as monomers for proteins. The bond between two amino acids is called a peptide bond. The word "peptide" is not typically used by itself; more often it is used in the context of "polypeptides," of which proteins are a member.
You know what I find strange, they're still asking $4.00 for postage! [...]

On certain items, like books, eBay limits the amount you can charge for shipping. Theoretically, if you had the largest book ever made, and it was, say, the size of a box car and weighed 100 tons, you still couldn't charge more than $4.00 for shipping, assuming you were using media mail, flat rate (not a calculated actual cost based on zip codes).
i do think sometimes that bukowski's cartoons are hilariously bad

haven't seen that many of his drawings, but to me there is something awesome about this one, or maybe many things awesome about it. the upturned front hoof for example, and the weird double-snout, the jocks big nose or the stick that's as big as his arm. To me, it's the kind of art that would be awesome framed on a wall in a living room or a den or an office - a real 'cave drawing.' Light enough to be seen everyday. Plus to paraphrase something i think rekrab said on another thread, you can tell it was drawn with a free hand.
Well the example above shouldn't be glorified by calling it a cartoon or drawing. It's a sketch done in a few seconds as part of a signature, and I don't think it was created as ART to be analyzed or critiqued. You can see a million of these and also a lot of sketches or drawings that he obviously spent more than a few seconds on. Not that there is a tremendous stylistic difference, but there is a difference in "quality."
a few seconds or no, THE HORSE IS WEARING GLASSES! john lennon glasses.

some of the silkscreens are pretty rough, too. hollywood has a really good one, as does screams from the balcony and roominghouse, but the one from pulp looks like a bunch of marshmallows in a christmas pageant. and maurice? really? though not my particular preference, i see the appeal of many of his paintings in that they unpretentiously depict some pretty raw emotional states (i can't say this about ALL his paintings, but some of the good ones from ham on rye or mjp's painting in war all the time exemplify this)... the cartoons are pretty silly, though.
My favorite silkscreen is in Septuagenarian Stew.


(Thanks to PBA Galleries - I've paid them enough in the past to let me post a picture from a book they've already sold...)
Some of the paintings are very emotional, yes. So are some of the larger pastels he did. None of those silkscreens really do anything for me.

But I think if I could only keep one piece of his art, I'd keep this and let everything else (including the painting in the book) go:


Then Carol would kill me and use the insurance money to buy the painting back from whoever I sold it to.

But look at that dog - that's suspiciously similar to his horse (and his cat). This is not Van Gogh we're talking about here.
I meant it as in despite asking a huge wadge for a book they still want their $4 for postage. I got free postage on a £3 cutting mat last night.

Oh. I misread you. I don't think charging for shipping is necessarily being cheap; it's psychology. Free shipping has a bit of the desperate feel to it. I don't see it being used much on high end stuff. It's more often used in lowballing other sellers with the same goods -- the "race to the bottom" phenomenon.
I see your point. Perhaps with the high end stuff they could offer a hand delivery service from a barber shop quartet, or stripogram?

"Mmmm, can I go that extra five hundred bucks? Hell, it's not everyday a Linda King look-alike delivers a rare Buk book with her norks out!"

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