Recent content by hisredritehand

  1. hisredritehand


    Btw, concerning Buk's drug use. Unfortunately I've so far only read the german-language editions of his books and they have other titles, e.g. Ham on Rye is called "Das Schlimmste kommt noch oder Fast eine Jugend" - "the worst is yet to come or almost a youth", but I remember references to drug...
  2. hisredritehand


    And I wanted to get a lot of work done tonight, instead of writing a whiny article and fucking up the c&p. There is a sentence that doesn't fit in, find it for a free Oxycontin. Not just homo, also a bit pedo judging by his later books.
  3. hisredritehand


    Shit, I wasted 3 hours of my life.
  4. hisredritehand


    Sorry to bring up this antique thread, but this post and others are too full of blind prejudice not to comment. Yours is not the worst but most others seem to stupid to even comment. 1.) Heroin is probably the drug most unlikely to make you accidently shit your pants. It's much more likely to...