Drugs (3 Viewers)

It can make you the most passive if you smoke too much daily and you're not hyperactive by nature. That's why I can't stand potheads today, I've been one of them, hanging around, absolutely lazy with no inspiration to move a finger. The supermarket was two minutes away and I felt like I had to climp up the Mount Everest when I needed to go there, y'know, for more sweeties and crisps; btw I thought it really sucked they had no DVD's. To fantasize your life at home is being zombified.

There's nothing I can say against people who like to smoke thc in a moderate measure, how much that is you've got to know.

I've made an approximate calculation on how much money I had spend on thc after I stopped the Kifferei. I immediately forgot the amount on purpose.
I understand :)
In my early smoking times I spent about 300 € on thc every month, half of the money I got as a trainee at that time. and for a long time I couldn't smoke without having some sweets available. but fortunately I got a bit wiser concerning cannabis consume and now I only need very few thc to feel good. I hate to be stoned during daytime and I would never smoke bongs again.
Well, I think drugs are a great way of discovering the world in many new ways, they are just something that help you see/think/feel/undestrand/... all the things that ARE actually there but we can't perceive. Nevertheless, my experience with all that is not quite good. My older brother has a Syd Barret-like story that left me with a lot to think about, and it's not that I see drugs as something bad, I know that one can have amazing experiences but I just don't see the point to screwing with my brain and end up fucked up... Genetics really count on this issues.

Anyway, if I wasn't in the situation I am, I would love to have experiences with drugs that make me learn something, or just have a good time.
Well, I think drugs are a great way of discovering the world in many new ways, they are just something that help you see/think/feel/undestrand/... all the things that ARE actually there but we can't perceive.
See, I used to think that kind of thinking was no more than hippie bullshit justification for digging hallucinations. Then I saw Oliver Stone's movie The Doors, and realized just how wrong I had always been.

Rave on!
My older brother has a Syd Barret-like story that left me with a lot to think

Your brother also recorded two shitty albums????
I was thiiiiiinking of this yes I am don't hold on to the stale rail.

And I paid import prices.
Well, some drugs can actually help you see/think/feel/understand things that aren't there but you can perceive when high as kite.
Well, I think drugs are a great way of discovering the world in many new ways, they are just something that help you see/think/feel/undestrand/... all the things that ARE actually there but we can't perceive. Nevertheless, my experience with all that is not quite good. My older brother has a Syd Barret-like story that left me with a lot to think about, and it's not that I see drugs as something bad, I know that one can have amazing experiences but I just don't see the point to screwing with my brain and end up fucked up... Genetics really count on this issues.

Anyway, if I wasn't in the situation I am, I would love to have experiences with drugs that make me learn something, or just have a good time.

I think even without drugs Syd B. would have gotten mental problems. Like Brian Wilson he was an absolut artist personality who often isn't on firm ground. His solo albums are great ;)
You should buy up all you can afford and shoot it in one big dose. I hear that's the best high. Make sure you buy a lot. 20, 30 bags. Take out a loan if you have to. You might need a really big syringe for all that sweet dope, but it will be worth your time to find it.


Okay its settled......love it is!
When I was but a wee lad I was a pot head not a drinker but personally I've never seen such an uncreative drug- personally and from what I've observed. Though I do believe alcohol is far more physically harmful I think pot is a drag. I've been around musicians my whole life and marijuana is offered like cigarettes and I hate to work with those who indulge when we work, alcoholics-no problem. But if it works for you-go for it.
I don't know if anything we type here can stop you from pumping that crap into your arm. If you want to end up shitting in your mikeypants without noticing while waiting for the next customers to suck off, it's disgusting.
But if that's your idea, fine, it's your life. Go on and waste it.
I'm just thinking about the few ex-junkies I've known and they all missed years of their lifes ( and had serious brain damages "Huh? What did you say? Huh? I don't know man. Huh?" ). If you want to become a human garbage bag and be equally treated, that's sad.
But it's not my business. Kill yourself.
Sorry to bring up this antique thread, but this post and others are too full of blind prejudice not to comment. Yours is not the worst but most others seem to stupid to even comment.

1.) Heroin is probably the drug most unlikely to make you accidently shit your pants. It's much more likely to make you unable to shit for weeks, to the point where your intestines are filled with rock-hard pieces of feces about the size of very large potatoes. That somehow need to get out. But hey, at least you'll have an idea what childbirth feels like. Keep a sharpened stick or something similar at hand, usually these things are too big to be flushed down the toilet.

2.) Injecting anything apart from a pharmaceutical-grade injection solution is a health risk. It can cause vein infections, ischemia, hemorrhages, even gangrene. Injecting an unsterile, homemade solution of a drug of unknown purity that can cause respiratory depression and induce uncionciousness when overdosed is even riskier, not to say stupid, and made even worse by the unknown cutting agents that are often pharmacologically active themselves. Apart from the risk of overdose, dirty street drugs almost always contain bacteria and particulate matter that builds up in the blood circuit and is great for your health too.

But these risks are caused by injecting impure street heroin. Pharmaceutical grade heroin solution is something completely different.
It has been used as a analgesic for strong and very strong pain for almost a century. In Britain, most doctors doing emergency service have a bottle of heroin solution
in their emergency suitcase. To quote from the Merck Manual of Home Health Handbook, 2nd edition, page 2097: "Like most opioids, unadulterated heroin does not cause many long-term complications other than dependence and constipation."

3.) I tend to trust you assessment that your ex-junkie acquaintances suffer from serious brain damage. But heroin, and opioids in general, aren't neurotoxic and neither are most common cutting agents. People that inject smack for years usually take other drugs as well, especially coke and with you in the US probably also meth, the very definition of a brain-frier.

4.)"If you want to become a human garbage bag and be equally treated, that's sad." That's what I really have a problem with. While the user you were answering to sounded like he was needlessly playing with his life and bragging about it, opioid addiction in general is a disease, prevalent in about 0.5% of the population. These are the people that keep taking heroin, even as they watch the addiction robbing them of everything else they value: their job, their family, their savings, their home, their dignity, their health and often their freedom. Their are very few that don't try to break free, several times, on their way down. What you have to understand is that the way our brain works, pleasure-seeking is one of the strongest motivations there are. That's why so many people try all their life, without success, to control their eating habits. That's why politicians risk and lose everything over sex affairs. That's why men will spend a whole day's pay on 20 minutes of bad sex. The people that are the most prone towards opioid addiction have naturally low endorphin and dopamin levels that make it almost impossible for them to experience pleasure. As long as they aren't exposed to opioids they tend to be not very sociable but very reliable, often workaholics because they easily feel bad over negligible mishaps. Some are devoted athletes, to the point where it constitutes a non-substantial addiction. In any case, when normal people are exposed to opioids - e.g. being prescribed some cold-medicine that contains codeine - they hardly notice anything. For people with the disposition I just described, the first contact with opioids is an epiphany. It's an experience that conditions them forever.

Luckily many of them manage to avoid becoming what you call "a human garbage bag". While opioids tend to take away alot of the drive and ambition, a normal dose, taken by a long-term user, is almost impossible to notice. You can savely assume that 1 in 100 physicians is an opioid addicts. Many addicts put a lot of effort into learning about diseases, guidelines, etc. and work their way up the ladder of pain-meds till they have a continous supply of highly potent pharmaceutical opioids. The people that take heroin often are un-informed. They don't understand their condition and believe the story they too have been fed for ages, that their problem is one of discipline, that they are merely hedonists without any sense of responsibility, that the choice is life or opioids - and ultimately they start to behave just like that and take whatever they can get their hands on. Of course there are people that truly fit the stereotype, that don't have any disposition and are merely unresponsible. They are usually rather young. But what about people that had a good job, fire insurance, a family, until they came in contact with opioids and bit by bit lost everything. Most people start by snorting Heroin, and for the average person that doesn't feel a whole lot different than

Detox might be hard for them, too, but they are much more likely not to relapse.

A good example are the Vietnam veterans. The Vietcong tried to undermine moral among American soldiers by making high-quality Heroin easily available to them, for very little money. When they were sent home, the Army faced the problem of 10,000s of addicted soldiers. They devised a detox that took less than 2 weeks and did follow-up checks. The astounding result was that over 90% of the formerly addicted soldiers never touched Heroin again. Why? Because they were normal, healthy people and only turned to Heroin because it helped them cope with the reality of war. As soon as they were no longer exposed to that stressor, they had little trouble staying away from Heroin. Those <10% that relapsed were either predisposed, traumatised or they had been addicted so long that their endorphine system had permanently changed and become similar to that of a predisposed person.

Ultimately, what I'm trying to say is that the downfall that comes with opioid addiction is not an automatism, it was created to keep people away from these drugs, by people that considered drugs a mere symptom of hedonism. In Switzerland, NL and to a lesser degree Germany and the UK pharmaceutical heroin is prescribed to addicts and the majority of those whose health allows it have found employment. The program saves the state money, it reduces crime, incarceration and it allows people whose only crime is being sick to live a life of dignity.
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And I wanted to get a lot of work done tonight, instead of writing a whiny article and fucking up the c&p.

There is a sentence that doesn't fit in, find it for a free Oxycontin.

Not just homo, also a bit pedo judging by his later books.
I like girls... and illegal drugs... and BBQ... and warm sheets... and street tacos... and coffee... and bartenders who talk instead of text... and warm showers... and vocal girls during sex... and 2 packs of cigarettes instead of 1... and plenty of beer in the fridge... and an empty ashtray so I don"t have to empty it... and girls, did I say that?
Btw, concerning Buk's drug use. Unfortunately I've so far only read the german-language editions of his books and they have other titles, e.g. Ham on Rye is called "Das Schlimmste kommt noch oder Fast eine Jugend" - "the worst is yet to come or almost a youth", but I remember references to drug use. Maybe you can help me out with some of the sources

- A washed-up rock start that came over once in a while and introduced him to coke
- In Factotum, at one of his jobs there is a coworker in his late twenties that takes all sorts of downers and uppers and has a machine meant for weightloss that moves you in wavelike motion. He offers his pills and insists until Chinaski takes "a yellow one" and one more of the same later on. After the shift he takes Chinaski home to show him his pill collection and tries to convince him to fuck on the machine, but Chinaski declines
- In one story Chinaski has some backbreaking job and during the breaks many of the employees sit in their cars with the door open., drinking, etc. At least one of them takes pills to get through the shift - some of them so large you risk a lock-jaw. I think he got talked into talking one or two, but not the giant ones.
- In another story Buk/Chinaski drives his girlfriend to the doctor's office where she successfully scores a script for amphetamine under the pretense of wanting to lose weight
- In one story he mentions a close friend that he seemingly held in high esteem, a professor or lecturer at some small college, that has a habit of taking codeine tabs and dies shortly after (my hypothesis: he took OTC pills that contained APAP, fucking up his liver)
- I remember another story where he mentions he stopped taking coke because of the come-down caused him to think about the butcher knife in the kitchen
- I remember in one story he writes something akin to "that was during the time when I took whatever pill I was offered, without asking what it was".
For people with the disposition I just described, the first contact with opioids is an epiphany. It's an experience that conditions them forever.

I felt that way about alcohol. I hadn't laughed in years (literally) until I started drinking. It was like one of those commercials where people are kayaking and eating in fine restaurants and dancing in meadows.

/plus i drive better after a few drinks, lulz 8-))

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