Recent content by I feel like Samsa

  1. I feel like Samsa

    The Ultimate Bukowski's Short Story?

    Hank Solo: Yes, Devil Was Hot was actually the first short story of Bukowski I've ever read so it was a great start. :-) As for the Spiral Descent... well, I'm thinking about giving my adaptation 3-act structure, with fleshed out central character and extended dialogue, so it will be completely...
  2. I feel like Samsa

    The Ultimate Bukowski's Short Story?

    Hello there everyone, that's the question I wanted to ask You. Having read most of his short story work, my pick would be "Love for 17.5 $" from "South of No Nouth". Of course Bukowski wrote many wonderful stories, especially in this volume, but "Love..." always remains the one for me...
  3. I feel like Samsa

    Interviews thread?

    I've always wanted to ask about this and since I didn't forget this time I want to ask You all if You thought about making Interviews thread/section which would gather all interviews which can be found (even those straight from the net). Bukowski can be even more powerful in an interview than in...
  4. I feel like Samsa

    The Best Love Poem I Can Write at the Moment--

    Anyone have an idea in which collection of poems this one was published? Or was it ever published? (I'm sure it was published somewhere, maybe in some mag.) I only know that Bukowski reads it in Poems & Insults. I find it to be one of his best. I'll be glad if someone'd have any...
  5. I feel like Samsa

    Hello everyone!

    Probably as many, I know this site for some time now but I didn't bother to register because I didn't feel like it. (Laziness? Could be.) But recently I realize how much of a treasure this forum is, with stuff (like loose unpublished work or quotes from letters) that I probably won't see...