Recent content by James Lashing

  1. James Lashing

    2012 and The Apocalypse!

    Well durrrrr - Spain is the capital of Italy.
  2. James Lashing

    2012 and The Apocalypse!

    Well we're fucked. Spain is bankrupt. Italy is banrupt. England is at the tipping point.
  3. James Lashing

    2012 and The Apocalypse!

    Scare stories? Media Bullshit? The Mayan Prophecy? The end of man? The beginning of a new concisousness? The emergence of the multiverse? What? Cos I don't know about you but europe is FUCKED.
  4. James Lashing

    Sun Dog Press & My First Book

    Im sorry mate but using some clapped out old banger of a typewriter isn't going to improve your flow and seems to me to be a bit of a pretence. I am not sure what the deal is in the US but in London if you sent a publisher some scrap of bog roll with a scrawl all over it then it would go...
  5. James Lashing


    My name is James Lashing. I first read Bukowski around about the time of his death and have read all of his books many times. My favourites are Post Office and Factotum. I havent read much of his poetry as I struggle with poetry full stop. In real life I am a failed (but published)...