Recent content by Mick

  1. M

    Painting of Charles Bukowski by Victor Pross

    No, you didn't hurt my feelings.
  2. M

    Painting of Charles Bukowski by Victor Pross

    Yes, a shill who also happens to support this site. I was simply answering theeffects' question. Go fuck yourself nymark.
  3. M

    Painting of Charles Bukowski by Victor Pross

    At the risk of confirming that I am a shill for Victor, the illustration is available on a stein.
  4. M

    Did he ever meet / discuss Ayn Rand?

    I don't think Bukowski would have cared for Rand. "... pleasure, to you, is a liquor-soggy brain, a mindless slut, the stupor of a moron who stakes his cash on some animals' race, since pleasure cannot be moral." John Galt rebuking the looters in "Atlas Shrugged". Mick
  5. M

    Painting of Charles Bukowski by Victor Pross

    I don't know; I recognized the Bukowski caricature at first site. What's surprising to me is that the artist is both an admirer of Bukowski and also an Objectivist. An Objectivist who enjoys the kinds of characters Bukowski lived with, and was? ... No John Galts in Bukowski's milieu. Mick
  6. M

    Painting of Charles Bukowski by Victor Pross

    Painting of Charles Bukowski by brilliant caricature artist Victor Pross. "I am fascinated by the man?as both a ?face? and as an artist. " Victor Pross
  7. M

    favorite beer/favorite mixed drink

    Hello and Cheers! Beer: Mixed Drink: