Recent content by nesca

  1. nesca

    Henry Miller Tapes

    Yes - I recommend "A life" by Robert Ferguson, great, great work - and also, if you want a tender, affectionate and beautiful telling of his final years, check out, "What dontcha know about Henry MIller" (I think I got the title right), by Twinka Theibaud - beautiful, quite touching and nails...
  2. nesca

    Henry Miller Tapes

    Well said people - we're all fans of good, kick-ass writing, after all. I think what's saddest is how little there is of it today. If I see one more goddamn book about zombies, vampires, space heroes, superheroes, I'm throwing in the towel and declaring myself certifiably insane! Cheers - Tony
  3. nesca

    Henry Miller Tapes

    Well said, and good point - I really was only thinking of prose, novels and such, should have mentioned that...I just always found that Bukowski had a solid body of works, but no single piece that ever, historically speaking, could be considered history-changing. He is, in my opinion, a greater...
  4. nesca

    Henry Miller Tapes

    Same here - Miller is my favorite writer, can't get enough of him. I Like Buk too, but he never quite reached the level of Miller - for me - never thought he quite had the diversity and growth that Miller had in his career. If you read Miller's first book, then his last, you can't even believe...
  5. nesca

    Is Buk your favorite writer?

    bukowski is one of my favorite writers, but... ...Henry Miller is my favorite, by far... cheers everyone, t. nesca
  6. nesca

    Screamin' Skull Press

    so sorry... i'm sorry folks, i missed the part about not posting links, my sincere apologies...just wanted to show some canadian content that is "somewhat" similar to what buk did (yes, i'm a big fan, though henry miller is more my thing, but love buk), and also thought i could get some...
  7. nesca

    Screamin' Skull Press

    Support the small press Screamin' Skull Press Cutting edge spontaneous prose and poetry Come check us out much happiness, Tony Nesca