Aaron Krumhansl (1 Viewer)

This is the genius of Bukowski.net in action. Instant access. Thanks MJP.

Well there is certainly no lack of mystery surrounding Paget Press or the items they produced.

There will probably be a CD included, but it will not be of the books contents. The biggest problem with something like that is that there is no control once that is digital. It would only take one preson posting the contents on the internet, and then the copies would start circulating. Aaron and I have other plans...

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, though. Using bukowski.net to find poems is still the best way, as that is updated with each new book.

Hit me back with more questions!

Maybe I'm misunderstanding your question, though.

No, your understanding was perfectly right.

Sure, I see the point of spreading-danger. This IS a problem.
Unfortunately I see no working method to avoid this, so I totally understand you'd rather not do it.

[I was thinking, b/c in Germany we have a publisher devoted to offer CDRs of literary and other works (most of which are old enough to be copyright-free, I must admit). And it was of great use for me to own one with the works of Nietzsche, when I was working on a paper about him.
A well done index is a fine thing, sure, but the new possibilities of full-text research can be a blast!
I have sometimes dropped in conversations with publishers/editors how useful it would be, to have Bukowski in such a form. And even a guy from this CDR-publishing-house in Berlin told me, he does NOT think, it's impossible to get the rights for this at least from the German licence-owners. Not totally impossible.
I don't know if you know about the works of Robert Sandarg on Bukowski and classical music - he literally has COUNTED every time, when Buk mentiones a composer, to find out, how often and in what context he referrs to them. A work like this would have been MUCH easier with a full-text-digital-resource.]

But as I said: I can clearly understand your point.

And is there really a difference between the Trade edition and Photographer's copies of Horsemeat?

Yes. The latter are marked "Photographer's Copy" in the colophon. The Montfort estate still has two of them (plus #1 of the 2 Ciba-Print-Copies - with a personal inscription to MM).

p.s. @Purple:
I love your new avatar.
Hey roni: Krumhansl indicates that there are 130 copies signed, 100 of which are for sale (this is what I meant by "Trade" edition, but that word is a misnomer even though K uses it) and an additional 15 copies marked Photographer's Copy that are also signed. The issue is that K also states that "all 15 are signed and are identical to the previous volume but contain "glossy prints" instead of the "matte finish" prints used in the trade edition."

I have a Photographer's Copy, but I haven't found any evidence from owners of the regular edition that the photo style in mine is any different from the photo style in theirs, although I haven't actually seen any copy but mine.

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