The funny thing is, and I've heard from others in this forum, I read one poem and was "hooked" (for me "Spring Swan", Days Run Away Like...). Now how can that be? Well, it probably can't be? It's more likely a form of romanticizing or idol worship or something. It's more likely I read one poem then another and another, and unlike most writers, in Buk
you find a lot of gems. And the next book's the same...and the next and the next.
When suddenly, it seems sudden at any rate, like Father Luke says you drop everything and start chasing Bukowski.
But your question is why? (And why does it seem to be such common experience among Buk fans?) In a sense it's not even worth discussing, because I doubt there's an answer. But for me, reading Buk's poetry, has been like rummaging through a shit load of junk to suddenly come upon a get chills and think this is it, this is love or this is sadness, I know this feeling myself, it's all been worth it for this one poem. Then I start searching for the next prize....
And at least the "junk" is entertaining :)