I'll make it until.... (1 Viewer)

After reading the "Mitch Mitchell dead" thread, it got me thinking, what's your life expectancy? how long do you think you can make it? how long will you live?

I think I'll make it up to 70 (*hope so)
This shit just doesn't end.

I like that idea.

My Grandfather died 2 days after he turned 50, my brother died at 53 yrs. and 5 months and I am 54 and 5 months. My Dad is over 80 now so I just hope Father Luke is right.
We aren't supposed to know. It is one of the surprises of life, unless you want to spoil the surprise with a suicide.
I'm shooting for 120. I've been practicing being cantankerous and ornery cuz those are the types of bastards who live forever.

Lewis Black? :D

Hubby thinks I'll die at 60. He yells at me for my "self-destruction" because he "doesn't want to watch me die". Yet, he has congestive heart disease, so.

I think I'll make it to 59.9 ;)
I made it to 40, so I'm pretty sure I'm immortal.
the world will explode or implode and I'll just step on my flying surfboard and hang ten to another planet.

o, wait. that's the Silver Surfer.

nevermind. I'll just aim for 75.
Try it twice in a row wih the eact same info...not that it matters anyway.

I did. I got the exact same info...unfortunately. When I changed my mood from normal to optimistic, I got 16 years extra to live...and when changed from smoker to non-smoker, I got another 3 years extra. If this keeps up, I'll live as long as your average Hobbit (140 years)...:D
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according to the Death Clock i will live until I'm 104.
Of course i will have run out of my Social Security
(if there even is such a thing by then)
and whatever Pension I have left
that hasn't been eatin' up by the economic catastrophes.
Medicare will be funded by the Lottery and
Retirement homes will be run by prisoners.

This should be fun I'm looking forward to this........

If I live like a Rock Star I'll die at 27, so I guess I'm already dead.:D
I tried it three times, the first two said that I was already dead. Fuck that! the next time gave me twenty more years. not sure that I'm ready for that either... I'll just take it one day at a time.......
"I do not think seventy years is the time of a man or woman,
Nor that seventy millions of years is the time of a man or a woman,
Nor that years will ever stop the existence of me, or any one else.

Is it wonderful that I should be immortal?
as every one is immortal;

I know it is wonderful, but my eyesight is equally wonderful,
and how I was conceived in my mother's womb is equally wonderful,

And that my soul embraces you this hour, and we affect each other without ever seeing each other, and never perhaps see each other, is every bit as wonderful."

(Walt Whitman. from: 'Who learns my lesson complete')
I quit cigarettes 11 years ago, my cholesterol is normal,
my prescription keeps me from jumping off a bridge,
and I bike or swim several days a week.

Which means next time I cross the street,
I will be flattened by a garbage truck.
I saw a TV show on National Geographic about how the Mayan callender ends on Dec 21st 2012 and the I Ching predicts an end the same time. So we all have just a few years left. Enjoy.
I saw a TV show on National Geographic about how the Mayan callender ends on Dec 21st 2012 and the I Ching predicts an end the same time. So we all have just a few years left. Enjoy.

The I Ching predicts nothing and everything. Each hexagram is designed to be applied to the question posed by the person posing it. So, any given hexagram will mean as many different things as there are people consulting it.
In regards to the Mayan calendar, I use this statement.

My calendar in my back pocket ends on 12/31/08. That does not mean that the world ends on that date, just my calendar.

As advanced as the Mayans were, they had to stop the calendar sometime.

It is funny. I have actually heard the loonie "end of times" preachers talk about how Jesus is coming back and the rapture is going to happen on 12/21/12 and cite the I Ching (a stretch at best) and the Mayans. The funny thing is that these same people condemn telling the future and monotheism, yet use these distant stretches to rally people and get the donations.

Check out the very disturbing and completely insane "Jack Van Impe" sometime. Him and his human skeleton of a wife go down this road all the time...



May 17, 2026, if we are to trust the Death Clock. Spring is a good time to go. Which reminds me, I still haven't picked up my mom's ashes from the funeral home. That's gonna be a weird experience. What does one say when they walk in the door? "Hi, I'm here to pick up my mom"?
when I was in my mid teens I got really attracted to dying at 27. Now, I have no preference - I have nothing much to live for and no reason to die.
May 17, 2026, if we are to trust the Death Clock.

Spring is a good time to go.

Death is a grave mistake.

Which reminds me, I still haven't picked up my mom's ashes from the funeral home. That's gonna be a weird experience. What does one say when they walk in the door? "Hi, I'm here to pick up my mom"?

Hi, I'm here to pick up my mom,
and to take her home, yes.

Or Alan "Blind Owl" Wilson of Canned Heat? He also died at 27, at Sept.3, 1970, followed by Jimi Hendrix death at Sept. 18th and Janis Joplin's at Oct. 4th. Three big names gone within one month...
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Yep, all those guys and girls from 'Club 27'. I suppose it still might happen, what with two years and three months before I even reach 27, though I'm not or am never likely to be a rockstar so I have no real clue why dying at that age seemed so attractive.

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