Jim Carrey VS Fox News (1 Viewer)


And in the end...
Think this is going in the wrong place (no sniggers please), but WOW, just catching up with the fight breaking out between Jim Carrey and Fox News, about his innocuous, mild video jibe at the NRA.
What is funny, is the hysteria of the right wing media over it, especially Fox News, thankfully they make themselves look like a bunch of tossers every time (saves us the trouble). Loved Jim Carrey's rebuttal, see below:

The "Cold Dead Hand" skit has seen Carry vilified in the US right-wing media, but the actor does not seem all that bothered. On Friday he released a statement describing Fox News as a "media colostomy bag" after host Greg Gutfeld called Carrey "the most pathetic tool on the face of the earth", and added: "I hope his career is dead."

Carrey's statement reads: "Since I released my 'Cold Dead Hand' video on Funny or Die this week, I have watched Fux News rant, rave, bare its fangs and viciously slander me because of my stand against large magazines and assault rifles.

"I would take them to task legally if I felt they were worth my time or that anyone with a brain in their head could actually fall for such irresponsible buffoonery. That would gain them far too much attention, which is all they really care about.

"I'll just say this: in my opinion Fux News is a last resort for kinda-sorta-almost-journalists whose options have been severely limited by their extreme and intolerant views; a media colostomy bag that has begun to burst at the seams and should be emptied before it becomes a public health issue.

"I sincerely believe that in time, good people will lose patience with the petty and poisonous behaviour of these bullies and Fux News will be remembered as nothing more than a giant culture fart that no amount of Garlique could cure. I wish them all the luck that accompanies such malevolence."
Woo Hoo Jim, very impressive,. XXX

Had a further look at the charmless Greg on Fox, especially, the Five Show segment, billed as ' roundtable political discussion and commentary'. It's so low, moronic and reptilian no wonder political satire in the U.S is booming, there is such rich pickings. Shouldn't really put this in, but can't help myself, it's a wee hello from two beloved Scottish comedians to Greg Gutfeld:


And furthermore.Yes Margaret Thatcher is dead and yes due respect is due to a dead person (I suppose).
But as the funny, articulate, devilishly handsome (and Yes, I definitely would) Jon Stewart would sort of say, we're half way up bullshit mountain.
Granted that (for me as a foreigner) it seems pretty easy to make fun of NRA-gun-nuts and Charlton Heston much the same way as about die-hard fanatic christians, the song is still cool. Not bad.

The video is funny.
Hi, Johannes, I hope that no one misunderstood my intentions about posting the video. The video itself could have been better.
What I did admire was his blistering response to the asinine, inflammatory and obnoxious comments on Fox by Greg Gutfeld.
It's a frighteningly serious debate, but how can anyone not want tighter gun control in relation to assault weapons with rapid fire capability. Jim Carrey ( and the campaign) are not attacking the right to 'bear arms' and keep weapons, it's about trying to avoid massacres of innocent people, especially children, as took place in the primary school in Newton. By limiting access to them. I mean, where do you draw the line? you could argue that the right to bear arms should include a nuclear warhead, since technology has moved on. See video below.
Apparently, "Support for stricter gun control laws is at the highest point in a decade, drawing a majority of Americans and surging since April, according to a poll released Tuesday morning".
Fifty-seven percent of Americans think gun laws should be stricter, according to a CBS News poll, with 9 percent thinking they should be made less strict and 30 percent hoping for no change at all.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2012/...n-control-poll-shows-85225.html#ixzz2Py1pcvBl

Much funnier than Jim's video is this exert on Jon Stewart's Daily Show:

[This video is unavailable.]
This country swings like a pendulum, so it's entirely possible that we'll have some sort of new gun laws enacted one day in the not too distant future. It won't make any difference, though, because no new law will ever, ever, touch exisiting guns (since that's the deep rooted fear of legions of mouth-breathing idiots from coast to coast).

The thing is, if every gun maker on earth suddenly stopped production today, we would still have working guns that could kill you quite effectively for the next 150 years. Guns are simple, primitive machines, and if you maintain them they work for a very long time (a rifle used in the 2009 Holocaust Museum shooting was nearly 100 years old).

We could, though, make it a lot more difficult for someone to start today and amass a dozen military rifles and thousands of rounds of ammunition in a week, as you can now. That would stop about a third of these massacres that we have around here. The rest are done with guns that are already part of the family, so those would still happen.

But the prolem isn't the massacres. Those military-type weapon bloodbaths are a tiny, tiny fraction of the gun killings. Most are done with handguns you can stick under your belt. And we have a lot of those. No one knows exactly how many, but they do know that we buy almost nine million new guns every year. Just in the U.S.

So you tell me what the solution is. I don't think there is one. Not one that will be effective in our lifetimes.
As far as Maggie Thatcher, fuck her rotting corpse. I read an article the other day that the idea of"speak no evil of the dead" allows the powers-that-be the week after a persons death to have an unfettered one-sided propaganda stream with the masses. This was best seen when Ronnie Reagan died and he went from being a liar at worst or a senile old man (while still in office) at best to the bestest president that ever lived and ever would live in the whole wide world. We personally stopped communism, freed the slaves, fed the hungry and never met a puppy that did not love him. Imagine Obama saying that he did not know of a massive-guns for hostage operation, in violation if many, many laws (including lying to Congress) and claim that he was asleep at the meetings. When Ronnie died, after a week of non-stop praise with NO CRITICISM allowed, he became the most-benevolent Saint Ronald. To criticize him after he died was like wiping your ass with Mother Teresa's habit.
So you tell me what the solution is. I don't think there is one. Not one that will be effective in our lifetimes.
Hi mjp, there isn't a comprehensive solution is there, due to the points you've just made, but even reducing the number of people mown down in the infrequent 'nutter goes on slaughter spree because his mother didn't breastfeed him' or whatever would be a significant improvement.
You have to at least try and cover all the bases in protecting the population from these random acts and not doing it just because there is already way too many in circulation is putting everybody at risk. I really hope that new gun legislation proposals go through.

The UK response to the 3 mass killings we have had (so far), with Hungerford, Dunblane and Cumbria,was to tighten gun control (already pretty tight) even more severely due mostly to public demand and their perception of safety. The short term effect weirdly was an increase in gun related crime, however the long term impact has been a reduction in the murder rate by firearms. I think I need a glass of wine now, having just totally depressed myself, good job I'm not working tomorrow.
As far as Maggie Thatcher, fuck her rotting corpse. I read an article the other day that the idea of"speak no evil of the dead" allows the powers-that-be the week after a persons death to have an unfettered one-sided propaganda stream with the masses. This was best seen when Ronnie Reagan died and he went from being a liar at worst or a senile old man (while still in office) at best to the bestest president that ever lived and ever would live in the whole wide world. We personally stopped communism, freed the slaves, fed the hungry and never met a puppy that did not love him. Imagine Obama saying that he did not know of a massive-guns for hostage operation, in violation if many, many laws (including lying to Congress) and claim that he was asleep at the meetings. When Ronnie died, after a week of non-stop praise with NO CRITICISM allowed, he became the most-benevolent Saint Ronald. To criticize him after he died was like wiping your ass with Mother Teresa's habit.

Soooo, can l give fucking her rotting corpse a miss? (if that's ok).
But yes, absolutely agree with what your saying. Below is several quotes from a 2012 article by Seumas Milne in The Guardian Newspaper, UK.

Not only in former mining communities and industrial areas laid waste by her government, but across Britain Thatcher is still hated for the damage she inflicted – and for her political legacy of rampant inequality and greed, privatisation and social breakdown. Now protests are taking the form of satirical e-petitions for the funeral to be privatised: if it goes ahead, there are likely to be protests and demonstrations.​
This is a politician, after all, who never won the votes of more than a third of the electorate; destroyed communities; created mass unemployment; deindustrialised Britain; redistributed from poor to rich; and, by her deregulation of the City, laid the basis for the crisis that has engulfed us 25 years later.​
Think I've depressed myself and everyone else. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Somebody, tell a joke x

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