Thomas Brasch (2 Viewers)

Found this photo online of German writer Thomas Brasch...I think this may have been previously posted, but no luck finding it on Search.

Have seen this one before somewhere but didn't know the other guy was a German writer named Thomas Brasch. Never heard of him.

This is some manly drinking pose going on, with enthusiastic cheerleading from behind :cool:
Two outsiders drinking beer.
Thomas Brasch (1945-2001) was not only a writer but also a film director (Engel aus Eisen). Grown up in the German Democratic Republic he emigrated to West Berlin in 1976, because a book of him has been banned. But the authorities in West Germany didn't like what he was talking about either...
Last year a book of collected Brasch poems was published. Die nennen das Schrei. It's a brick of a book, more than thousand pages. Maybe I'll give it a try.
Would be interesting to know more about the encounter with Bukowski.
Nice. There are some I haven't seen before.

But they are all listed as 1986 when they are clearly from Carlton Way of the late 70's.

Still, thx!
Just curious... Anything by Brasch in English at a reasonable price? Acursory web search doesn't find anything.
Just curious... Anything by Brasch in English at a reasonable price? Acursory web search doesn't find anything.
Has he ever been translated into English? I don't know, even many Germans didn't (don't) know him. Maybe he was just too honest. Honesty is never very popular. In the poem A Nazi Wipes the Hallway, published 1980, he captured a certain type of German very good. This particular poem has been translated into English but I can't find it now, so here is the original version:

Der Nazi wischt den Hausflur

sauber: Droysenstraße 1. Er kriecht übers Linoleum
die Treppen hinauf mit dem Eimer: Zwei Jahre
SS-Standarte Adolf Hitler, sechs Jahre Eisenherz
in Workuta. Jede Stufe einzeln in jede Ritze. Wer
hat denn die Geschichte gemacht. Ich bin verantwortlich
jawohl, vom Hausbesitzer eingesetzt. Wer
einen Fahrstuhlschlüssel kriegt, bestimme ich. Für
Mindestrente und mietfrei wohnen. Weil
ich mitschuldig war, aber nicht im Staatsdienst. Fragen Sie
doch meine Frau. Die hat sich aufgehängt vor dreißig Jahren
mit gutem Grund. Jetzt sitzt sie unten auf dem Sofa
und säuft: Der eigne Mann ein Hausmeister. Haben
Sie nicht verstanden: Die Schuhe ausziehen. Oder
soll ich nochmal von vorn anfangen.

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