well... that's not totally true RE: peter howard (i know from experience, trust me). peter didn't pay attention to his customers either way, so he was perfectly happy to let people wander in and out of very nook and cranny of the store for hours on end (again - experience). also, although most of the books there were priced really high, he would mark them way down when you brought them up to buy them. a lot of the complaints about peter were due to this pricing policy, which was definitely arbitrary. i suspect peter was a lot like red - plenty of people adored him, because if you knew how to act around him, he was great. he had access to the best stuff, good pricing, and he didn't bullshit or misrepresent his stock in any way. the things is, because of his stature in the rare book world, people seemed to be okay with all the little "rules" about dealing with him, and if you broke one of those rules, you would be, at the very least, made to feel uncomfortable, and at worst, subjected to a tirade and blackballed.