New Trivia Thread - First with the correct answer asks the next question. (3 Viewers)

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Roni was half way right. It really is in a letter to Ivan Suvanjieff, Feb. 20, 1992. - and the favorite font is...drum roll...Palatino!
("I prefer "Palatino" because it makes me look like a better typist")
Ok, let's stay with the letters. This one should be relatively easy to answer:

Bukowski called somebody a "child fucker" in a letter. Who was that somebody?

Bonus points for naming who the letter was for.
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Nope, David, but I guess John Thomas would've fit right in, according to press reports...;)
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Okay, maybe the question was harder to answer than I thought, so here's a hint:

The "child fucker" in question was/is a celebrity.
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I don't have a clue but I'm gonna say Polanski just because of the time frame and I'll take a second shot in the dark and say the letter was to Barbet Schroeder for no other reason other than Barbet was a film maker.

You're right, Bilville! It was Roman Polanski. Buk calls him, "Roman the child-fucker", in a letter to John Martin, August 18, 1979 (Living On Luck, page 270).

Your turn, Bilville!
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Oh damn. I was afraid this day would come. Okay, lets see .... here's one--May 24th, 1940, Bukoswki wrote a letter to the editor in a column called "The Cubby Hole." What was the title of his letter.

(hint: it's a not so "Pleasant" source) :mad:
Here's a Wheel Of Fortune type clue: 2 letters so far and a free punctuation mark ;)

W## #r##?
Wheel of fortune is my favorite show!!!
Thank you H S.

The answer is.......

Why Crab?
Ok, I'll take the bait.

"Why Crab?" in The Collegian. His earliest published words.

Edit: Ponder beat me to it. The next question is yours, my friend.
Thank you, marina del rey.

Jules Smith wrote a beautiful book on Buk's poetry;

Why this title?
it's from a poem called "experience" i think.
don't know if there's more to the answer though...
... brief interruption ... Congrats to those who got the Why Crab question correct (although I believe Hank Solo's really the winner)

and now on with our regular scheduled program.
he reads it on the '70 minutes in hell' cd which i've heard about 100 times.

okay, what are the names of the two cockroaches who appear in a poem featuring our hero and a whore.
Ah ok, I haven't listened to 70 minutes in hell for a long, long time.
Will listen to it tonight.
"what are the names of the two cockroaches who appear in a poem featuring our hero and a whore."

it's a nightmare fantasy poem that takes place at "the roach hotel"
i totally remember the story about the cockroaches, but can't remember the names of said cockroaches. is one of them tony by chance?
I think that "Tommy" was a spider..I remember that story, it was in "Erections" (?) lived (died) next to the toilet. Remember the roaches too, but their names, ?.....
Good! - Next question:

What is the name of the barman at Musso & Frank Grill who for many years served drinks for Bukowski?
Who was Bukowski writing about when he wrote:
...the dead are dead, there's nothing we can do about it.
Let's go to bed...

Is that a rhyme?
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