What are you listening to? The world really needs to know - Mark IV

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Funny, I just listened to this song two days ago, and I don't often pull out the Clash singles.

If Adolph Hitler were here today
They'd send a limousine anyway

I always thought it was a great song because it was very critical of something he loved, and that isn't an easy thing to do. But I suppose if you've positioned yourself as The Voice of the People, you sort of have to do it.
Agreed.The Clash were the first band to introduce me to politics at a young age. He takes a side swipe at the bands being too superficial and commercial, and the fiercely divided gap at the time between Mods and Rockers, racism and the underlying issues of right wing politics.But at the time, I mostly just quite fancied him,despite him being an ex public school boy.
Today,Peter Gabriel and Squeeze, apologies for the naff Squeeze lyrics, just need a bouncing dot going along and we're all set.

For those of you who think that the Dead are all about noodling and tuning and allsorts, they really get down to business when they dredge up this Rev Gary Davis chestnut in 1989. A late '60s staple that they hadn't played since Pigpen was still with them. And while this is mostly about the vocals, it's hard to ignore Phil's thick bass lines that cut through:

Not really a fan of (german) punk I recently read something about this band and their surroundings.

Pretty interesting story. They were the first and ever punk band of the German Democratic Republic in the 80's whose LP made it across the border into West-Germany. And this was only because it was a split-LP together with another Band, called "Zwitschermaschine". And the lead singer of Zwitschermaschine, Sascha Anderson, had been an informant for the Ministry for State Security in the German Democratic Republic, spying on all his friends, bandmates and colleagues. Which was why he had "friends" in high places who allowed him to produce the LP. It was called "DDR von unten".

Ironically, this song is called "Spitzel" = Informant.

Just discovered The Doors "L.A. Woman" was released this day in 1971. And by coincidence i was listening to this on the ride to work.

[This video is unavailable.]
I love this because it's so dynamic and rocking and paranoid, and the white American men that play it just aren't free! Don't you understand?!

Plus, come on, any band that is so repulsive that you can't show their heads (except in grainy video inserts) has to be just the most awesome band in the world.

I love this because it's so dynamic and rocking and paranoid, and the white American men that play it just aren't free! Don't you understand?!

Plus, come on, any band that is so repulsive that you can't show their heads (except in grainy video inserts) has to be just the most awesome band in the world.

Please say it is a really, really good spoof by the Bare Naked Ladies; otherwise I'm scared!
Felt like a member of the audience following the Springtime for Hitler debut scene in The Producers.
... Am supposed to be working, but had to come back for a second viewing, this is soo bad it's good, the tune is in my head now, eeek.
Recent vinyl buys:



"Nevermind if this performance was good or not-- was it undefinable? Was it slightly unsettling? Was it provocative without being political? Did it smell good?' After that performance, lot of people were scratching their heads, like, 'Who's this fucking lunatic?' It's more interesting that way."

I will say, yes, it was undefinable, unsettling, provocative and - an option he doesn't give - funny. Which is why it was great, and why I still think about it weeks later.
Bradford Cox is a welcome weirdo in an industry that used to celebrate weirdos but is now sorely lacking.

Fly that freak flag.
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Excellent vinyl purchases from Record Store Day: Ty Segal's "Twins"

and The Creation's "We Are Paintermen"

[This video is unavailable.]
And an all female band too! good stuff. The lead singer, reminds me strangely of Ian Curtis .It's good , but I've kinda heard it all before, the first time around! The song reminds me of Public Image:

She sounds like Siouxee Sioux to me. But yes, a lot of post punk influence in there.
But she certainly looks like the love child of Ian Curtis.Watching that old video of PIL was good, still sounds great don't you think? I of course was a child prodigy of punk, being only 4 yrs old in '78, (when that was out I think) oops, perhaps I was 14 yrs old can't remember as was probably drunk at the time. Anyhoo, I'm about to listen to Led Zeppelin doing Kashmir as have some hardcore housework to do: someone pass me the Absinthe.

Had to come back to say; it's refreshing to see a girl band playing instruments rather than the usual MTV fodder of girls looking and performing like strippers doing a lap dance. Not so sure about their (Savages) look though, too androgynous for me, but guess they're making a statement and it's good. (Didn't like it on Annie Lennox either), Siouxee Soux on the other hand looked great as did the one and only Debbie Harry of Blondie (whom I so wanted to be, like every other girl in my class!)
it's refreshing to see a girl band playing instruments rather than the usual MTV fodder of girls looking and performing like strippers doing a lap dance.
Girl bands were everywhere during the first and second waves of punk. You couldn't swing a dead hippie in a town of any size without knocking into a dozen of them. It surprised me a bit that that didn't continue. It seemed like the tide had turned and we'd have as many young girls starting bands as young guys, but it didn't really happen, did it.

They'll be playing with Iggy and the "Stooges" in London soon, and here in Los Angeles in July. They're all over the place right now.
I blame Madonna, (for everything). I checked out your link above see that the closest they get to Scotland is Manchester. Here's success to them.
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