Recent content by puke

  1. puke

    if you like bukowski...

    Lolita???? I loved it but it's very un-Bukowski-ish. (Unless you're thinking of the scene in Women (I think?) where he gets a hard-on rolling around on the grass with the pre-teen girl!) Definitely Celine's Journey to the end of the night.
  2. puke

    When did you discover Bukowski?

    I saw the film Tales of Ordinary Madness I think it's called. I don't know why, but after that I got Women and loved every line in it. Actually, I remember a couple of things from that movie: when he follows the woman off the bus and back to her pad. And another scene when Chinaski's...
  3. puke

    bukowski and celine

    I can't remember where I read it, but Bukowski said somewhere that Celine "only wrote one good book (Journey), but what a book!" I'd be interested to hear some more of Buk on Celine. I know he mentions him a lot but I can't remember any other specifics.
  4. puke

    Bukowski and money

    How do you arrive at $34K? 20 years x inflation? I think by 1986 his financial outlook was somewhat different. The $20k period was probably up to the early 80s, latest, don't you think? Property prices must've been massively lower than they are today and the Dow was under 500. In this light, I...
  5. puke

    Bukowski and money

    If my memory serves me well, Sounes said Bukowski got nervous whenever his savings fell below $20k. That's back in the 70s and 80s. In today's money that must be like $100k or something.
  6. puke

    Women and love

    I'd like to read 'prescience' but I don't have that book. I haven't been reading Bukowski for the past 5 years and when I did a google for that poem I was surprised to see so many book titles I've never heard of.
  7. puke

    Favorite Bukowski Work?

    Mine's Torched Out. A poem from one of his later books - maybe War all the Time or the omnibus Run with the Hunted. The style of the poem is very mechanical. Here's a taste: To get dressed, cigarette dangling You were feeling somewhat better Then, you were moving toward the door This scene...
  8. puke

    Buk the gourmand?

    I just remembered another food reference. There's a poem where he lists all of life's cons. One of them is pizza!
  9. puke

    Anyone read Japanese?

    it's all in chinese but i can read the japanese katakana. it says henry miller. or as the j's would say: henli mira
  10. puke

    Women and love

    Am I right to say Bukowski couldn't live without women? Did he ever live alone because he chose to, not just because of circumstance (between relationships etc)? I'm not referring to his early years before he started having relationships. I find it a bit strange considering his love of solitude.
  11. puke

    When was the last time you were drunk

    I live in Saudi Arabia where alcohol is banned. There is home brew (known as sid here) but I don't like it so it's no booze for me 10 months of the year. On holidays of course I enjoy myself.
  12. puke

    Buk the gourmand?

    Steak and lima beans? Is that common in the USA? Marina loved it but did Buk? I vaguely remember the turkey. Didn't it end in tears for whichever women it was that cooked it? The snails bit was wierd I think. The perverse joy he took in the assholes. In one of his novels he quit his job...
  13. puke

    Buk the gourmand?

    Chinaski wasn't that fussed about food. Was Bukowski really so indifferent to food? Did he cook? Did Linda have any influence on his appetite/tastes in his later years? There are various food-related passages in his work, of course. A recent thread mentioned the 2 steak dinners at the diner...
  14. puke

    Buk Trivia... Answerer becomes next Questioner

    Really? I can't imagine him abstaining from either one. Did he write much during this time?
  15. puke

    Women and love

    Check out his letters in Screams from the Balcony. It's funny reading his bullshitting to get into some chick's pants. We can all relate to that! There's also a great thread on here by Mystery Girl about her relationship with Bukowski.