No, no, I am referring to large and wonderful collections of rare Bukowski books and collectables that have come onto the used and rare book market in the last five years or so. First editions. Signed copies. Books with original art done by Bukowski and so on that go back to the 1960's. There was the big Michael Montfort collection that ended up as a Simon Finch (out of London) special catalogue, the Richard Jones collection that Skyline and Jeff Maser (both very fine and outstanding California book dealers) got, The Thomas Groff collection PBA handled at their San Francisco auction, The Don Klein collection then finally the Black Sparrow publisher's collection that Ralph Sipper of Santa Barbara handled. These were vast and wonderful LARGE collections of Bukowski work collected over decades that hit the rare book market in wave after glorious wave. I'm just saying books from all of those collections are 90% sold and gone and there are no new big collections in sight. With supply cut off, once people realize how dry it really is out there for the very best stuff competition can become very great for the few bones we are thrown. Now the second and third rank material or books are another matter and are all over, eBay and so on. And Bukowski books with troubles like the ex-library copy of Crucifix or the damaged copy of Post Office, recently on eBay, DO NOT TOUCH they are collector poison. Condition, condition, condition! Meanwhile sit back and let's hope another big collection comes along that we can all feast on. The new titles (Ecco Press, City Lights, etc) can easily be obtained from the usual suspects that sell new books. They are there in abundance. My only request is that they bring out a few mass market pocket books of Bukowski. But to answer Buk Babe's original question about pricing on abebooks; I'm going to guess that many booksellers list thousands of titles and they are really not able to go up and down with the market because they are overwhelmed with work. They list things and just keep it where it is and go on frantically listing new things. Not looking back. BUT listings just appearing on abe tend to have more current pricing so when doing a search put in the title and also search under newly listed. And of course as everyone knows, some of the tip top prices on abe are from utterly delusional dealers that obviously have no interest in selling, perhaps they are exhibitionists and they really only want to show off. Steer clear. -tostedtwice, Tokyo