The only contact that I ever had with Al was when he sent me a threatening, nasty email. He misread a post on this forum and thought that I was insulting him. I told him to reread the post and he would see that I was not saying anything that could be in any way be seen as unkind. He did and apologized for being a dick. Never heard from him after that. Seemed like a bit of an ass, but everyone that I know that knew him said that he was a good guy so maybe it was the illness. I heard that he had Alzheimer's, so maybe that was it.
I knew that he was sick for a while with Alzheimer's, but don't know any specifics of the cause of death.
In other sad news, Dave Haselwood, the guy who ran Auerhahn Press in the 1960s died on 12/30. He published an early book by WS Burroughs and puvlished Charley Plymell's first book. His books were really well made letterpress printed chapbooks with great content.