Ok, I'm done here, guys. And I gotta admit I'm worn out. Shattered. I've been in the library every day from 9 to 5, working almost non-stop.
I could review 800 or so magazines. Some mags run for 1-2 issues, others for 20 and others for 50. I went thru' them all. I even took a look at some 100 mags where I suspected B. might have been published in -not much luck on that end, though.
Also went through a few MSS collections: Intrepid, Mica, Slipstream, etc.
The invoice from Buffalo's Poetry Collection reads:
"photocopies of Bukowski publications": 464
"scans of Bukowski publications": 150
Total $167.80
That's a bargain, believe me. $0.20 per xerox copy is pretty cheap today. A few days ago I paid $0.50 per copy (plus a $30 handling fee) to have all the Henry Miller letters (and other authors) to Bukowski copied. Just yesterday I heard from a library which will copy for me the unpublished letters from Bukowski to Blazek. They ask $0.50 per copy plus $50 to handle the material and ship it to Spain. So $0.20 is quite reasonable. And the staff at Buffalo used a little slip of paper to write down the name of the mag, volume and issue on each copy! Very, very helpful.
Not to mention scans. Try to get scans from any library. They usually ask $20 per copy for off-site patrons. Crazy. Here at Buffalo they usually charge $4 or $5 per scan, but they finally decided to charge me $0.50 per scan only. Nice, indeed.
Well, time to relax for a while and then tomorrow back to Spain. It will be a long, long, long journey. That's the price you have to pay for flying cheaply ;)