Not to be sticking my nose in 2 days after the fact but... this is something that I have thought about, especially in relation to Bukowski's views about 'management'. Now, as far as 'status' is concerned I can't say. I have none. To me, status implies money$$, and I have none. For about 13 years of my life I was a waitress. I was good at it and made pretty good money. I even liked it for a long time. But as can happen when you start something very early in life, you burn out, especially if there is not room to grow or express creativity, or even if your interest wanes. I quit; 3 little kids and a husband making next to shit at a muffler shop, I walked because I just couldn't do it any more. I would look at those 60 year old women coming in at 6am and think, I can't be one of these people, that is not going to be me,(and don't get me wrong, I have unending respect for servers;they work damn hard and earn every dime they take home. It is one of the few options 'uneducated' women have in order to make enough money and take care of their families).
I went back into retail, as a Book Seller. And for 8 years busted my ass to move up 'the ladder'. For 8 years I LOVED my job and I became a manager; one of the very few goals that I have ever set and managed to reach.
I got into Bukowski after having arrived at where I am right now. I think often about his writings on 'The Boss'. I really can dig where he came from; his perspective on the working man and the bullshit that goes along with being 'a grunt'.
But it really sucks being the boss. You can be the nicest most genuine, givingest person in the world! And no one gives a fuck. They can't see you for who you are. They don't say thank you. They don't ask you about your day after you've asked them about theirs.
I don't like my job very much anymore. I don't like how people preceive me. I don't like being put into some mold, just because I worked hard and gained knowledge that most others' there think they have but don't. I don't like that the work that used to bring me happiness is work that I no longer have the time to do. Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.
I don't really blame mjp for his response, I watch what goes on around here with these fly by nights, and if he needs to 'nip it in the bud', than so be it. he's saving us all some aggravation down the road. I think about the work and attention that needs to take place here, and no one is getting paid; I'd slam a few heads myself.
Notice that 'whatshisname' never did come back. If he was really genuine and wanted to take part here, he'd of come back and stood up like a grown-up. Thanks for listening peeps. You're my friends, hence the rambeling. Forgive spelling mistakes, I'm not editing.:)CRB