I did some arithmetic last night ...
... I read approximately 36 books annually (sometimes more when I'm reading for book review purposes). There are 50-plus Bukowski titles in the market but I've only read, roughly, ten of them.
I read a new Bukowski title perhaps once a year, often for pleasure but sometimes for creative inspiration, and I also find he works well as a lubricant to get me excited about literature when I'm growing bored. At the growing rate of one Bukowski per annum, it would take me 40 frickin' years to read the remainder of his canon I haven't indulged. Hell, I'll be 50 next year and I sure as shit ain't dropping dead when I'm 100, not with my fucked up health and the path the world is taking these early days of the 21st century.
So, to read all of Bukowski in a reasonable amount of time, I would need to commit to 2 books per month. It would then take me 1 year and 8 months to finish them all.
But I can't manage to read two Bukowski titles a month. It would be sensory overload. I couldn't possibly dive into his literary world that often.
Shit. I wish I knew how long I had to live so I can plan this out better.
... I read approximately 36 books annually (sometimes more when I'm reading for book review purposes). There are 50-plus Bukowski titles in the market but I've only read, roughly, ten of them.
I read a new Bukowski title perhaps once a year, often for pleasure but sometimes for creative inspiration, and I also find he works well as a lubricant to get me excited about literature when I'm growing bored. At the growing rate of one Bukowski per annum, it would take me 40 frickin' years to read the remainder of his canon I haven't indulged. Hell, I'll be 50 next year and I sure as shit ain't dropping dead when I'm 100, not with my fucked up health and the path the world is taking these early days of the 21st century.
So, to read all of Bukowski in a reasonable amount of time, I would need to commit to 2 books per month. It would then take me 1 year and 8 months to finish them all.
But I can't manage to read two Bukowski titles a month. It would be sensory overload. I couldn't possibly dive into his literary world that often.
Shit. I wish I knew how long I had to live so I can plan this out better.