People tend to like me because I am polite and rarely late. (7 Viewers)

Lolita Twist

Actually. That's a load of shit. I'm almost never polite, and am mostly always late. Hello, I am Lexxi, and people tend to like me because I let people bum free cigarettes off me, because I have a tendency to be funny, and because I am easy on the eyes when not caught with my grandfather's glasses on while playing cards in my Hugh Hefner robe. I used to like my drink & pills quite a lot - but, I fell in love, and he made me stop. Now I can't write. So I read more and suffer from cluster headaches and insomnia. Buk's been my favorite ever since I went into Border's one day and asked the clerk (who knew me fairly well) to recommend me something that suited me. He came out with Tales of Ordinary Madness and I've never turned back. I also enjoy the ramblings of Damon Runyon, Hunter S. Thompson, Ginsberg, Robert Frost, and occasionally James Frey (among others here and there). I like Hemingway and I love the race-track (Saratoga). I write notes in books that I read. I don't know why. I'm a good handicapper, or I try to be. I'm a bad writer. I'm a bad citizen. I love music, anything from A to B. Preferably anything with soul. Also how I prefer people.
Hi. Personally, I've always liked a woman in a Hefner robe. Got a cigarette?
I've got cigarettes up the gazoo - take one. I will never part with my Hefner robe. It's like an old friend. I was pissed when it got thrown in the wash. It used to smell like smoke and sex, now it smells like detergent.
Here. I have a light for you.
I don't smoke, but I will burn your Hefner robe.

I've seen so many great shows at SPAC I lose count. Unfortunately never got a chance to see the Dead. And I fear I won't see the Stones before Keith Richards dies (he's like 103 now, right?)... though I was initially referring to the beautiful track we have up here. Also went down to Belmont on stakes day a few jumps back and saw Smarty Jones lose. Can't believe I had a win on the bum. Thing wasn't bred to go distance - just wasn't. A better show would've been if they'd shown the decrepit owner turning over in his wheel chair over that Zitto horse running home with it.

Gregarious! That's a new one. Well, yes I suppose that's true. Though I only enjoy the company of others when those others aren't complete twats. I've been reading around here for quite some time prior to posting, and you lot seem on the level. :)
I don't smoke, but I'll take your cigs anyway.
and for a beer I'll punch the guy who called you gregarious in the nose. but I'll have to take him by surprise, because I'm pretty sure in a fair fight he could kick my ass.
on second thought, make it 3 beers. no, wait. 6 pack?
seriously, enjoy the forum.
As for beer, all I have are empty LaBatts bottles hidden under extra blankets in my closet. From the days of wine and roses. Though I'm pretty sure there's still a good pull left of Smirnoff in one of the cabinets. Cheers.
Hell yes. I agree. I feel like such a cliche when I find myself home alone blasting classic rock. Old blues is also popular. As well as Dylan-esque folk. My man picks on me all the time for it, and tried to get me into some punk. Some of it's really not bad. I find myself liking Black Flag somewhat. I still have a shitload of a huge compilation to go through, I'll keep updates if I find anything groundbreaking. Then of course, we went to Borders one night and bought 100 bucks worth of Bukowski, and he bought me 100 bucks worth of "good rap". I must say - Immortal Technique's lyrics are great and the beats are sick. But on the whole, I prefer my oldies.
Welcome Lexxi, from the B squad. Hugh Hefner is an old man, but a lucky man. An old man with 19 year old twins with criminal records.

Looks like you have found your way around so enjoy yourself.
Hey, I heard that someone is giving cigarettes away here. I'll take one... anybody got any spare change?
Welcome Lexxi, from the B squad. Hugh Hefner is an old man, but a lucky man. An old man with 19 year old twins with criminal records.

Looks like you have found your way around so enjoy yourself.

Hell yes he's a lucky man. Don't know why he gets so much heat off people.

1fsh2fsh, take a cig. Take the 10 cents in my left pocket too. Why not.

Roni, notes in books are good. I still don't know why I do it.

Thanks all for the welcomings :)
Hey, I heard that someone is giving cigarettes away here. I'll take one... anybody got any spare change?

Brief aside: Tonight, a friend of mine asked if he could buy a single cigarette off of some guy in a pub. "Buy a cigarette????!!!??" the guy was flabbergasted at such an idea. Well, as it turns out, the guy is an actual (UK pounds sterling) millionaire. So when my friend asked if he could perhaps just have a cigarette, he was generously rewarded with a cigarette and a light. Perhaps you had to be there. Carry on.
I have people ask me if they can buy a cig off of me a couple of times a month. It seems ridiculous, you know, but at $0.25 - $0.35 a piece, I may start taking those as a tax deduction.
many stores here and in some of the poorer sections of cities that I have lived in sell single cigarettes. with a package selling from about $4 to $7 and a single selling for $.50 there is a good profit for the singles. unfortunatley this is another reason the poor stay poor. its a shame really. Of all the drugs I have found myself addicted to over the years nicotine is the only one I have not been able to kick ( of the ones that I wanted to) and the only legal drug. Hmmmm... go figure.
when you could smoke in bars here, I remember patrons buying singles from the bartender.
many stores here and in some of the poorer sections of cities that I have lived in sell single cigarettes. with a package selling from about $4 to $7 and a single selling for $.50 there is a good profit for the singles. unfortunatley this is another reason the poor stay poor. its a shame really. Of all the drugs I have found myself addicted to over the years nicotine is the only one I have not been able to kick ( of the ones that I wanted to) and the only legal drug. Hmmmm... go figure.

I love you.

I find myself in the same predicament (sp?). I tried to quite once for 3 hours and found myself crying hysterically, because I didn't want to. I've lost my two main vices - booze and pills - and I think I'm afraid of losing a part of myself if I become a complete fucking square.
I had a couple of very dear friends who battled addictions for years and quit everything but smoking. They both died of cancer. Wes believed the drinking would have fought off the cancer. Wayne started drinking towards the end and died happier, I guess.
Thank you for letting us hijack your welcome thread Lolita Lexxi.
I had a couple of very dear friends who battled addictions for years and quit everything but smoking. They both died of cancer.

Funny, I was just talking to a friend on this exact topic a few days ago; this seems to be an actual medical phenomenon ... some people who give up their life-long vices are suddenly left without the stress coping mechanisms that the vice(s) provided, leaving them vulnerable to stress-related illnesses. Canadian medical researchers acknowledged this over a decade ago, suggesting that quitting smoking cold turkey is just plain wrong for a lot of people and should instead slowly taper off so as not to shock the immune system. Needless to say, American medical researchers, in their role as zealous pimps for pricey smoking cessation products, pretty much disagree. Dumping vices without some kind of replacement therapy is like taking a bone from a dog or a pacifier from a baby. Very dangerous.
Brief aside: Tonight, a friend of mine asked if he could buy a single cigarette off of some guy in a pub. "Buy a cigarette????!!!??" the guy was flabbergasted at such an idea. Well, as it turns out, the guy is an actual (UK pounds sterling) millionaire. So when my friend asked if he could perhaps just have a cigarette, he was generously rewarded with a cigarette and a light. Perhaps you had to be there. Carry on.

I've never felt right about selling a smoke. My philosophy- 'if you can't share your bad habits you shouldn't have em'. CRB:)
I had a couple of very dear friends who battled addictions for years and quit everything but smoking. They both died of cancer. Wes believed the drinking would have fought off the cancer. Wayne started drinking towards the end and died happier, I guess.
Thank you for letting us hijack your welcome thread Lolita Lexxi.

Shit, I'm sorry man. No one gets out of life alive, I guess. No matter what we do or don't do. I think one should do whatever makes one happy. If you're gonna die young, or die at all for that matter, you should die happy. If I hadn't met my man, I'd no doubt have continued with my normal everyday routine (ha). I suppose I was rewarded with a different happiness. I still want a drink, though.

As for hijacking the thread - no worries. Good conversation. :)
The Mystery of William S. Burroughs' Longevity

Well, I always wonder how Old Bull Lee William S. Burroughs managed to make it to 83 or 84 or whatever...:)

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