I read Post Office over two days in a public library in '92. After that, the rest. well, a good deal of it. before that, Henry Miller. before that, Edward Abbey. long live Hayduke! lately I'm coming back around to Buk in a sense, and in the process discovered this forum, where I've been lurking quite a bit. So much fascinating shit all over the place.
as for my Buk "collection", I'm a fan not a collector. I gave most of it away over the years, excited to turn people on to Bukowski. your basic mass market editions anyway. plus I was usually drunk and forcing some book into someone's hands and telling them it doesn't matter, read it and pass it on, and I will still do this whenever I get a few beers and the chance. recent gets include a dvd of Tales of Ordinary Madness (that I haven't seen yet), Sounes' book of photographs, and an eighth of a strain of weed they call "Hank's OG" (any connection? don't know and ain't asking).
as for my Buk "collection", I'm a fan not a collector. I gave most of it away over the years, excited to turn people on to Bukowski. your basic mass market editions anyway. plus I was usually drunk and forcing some book into someone's hands and telling them it doesn't matter, read it and pass it on, and I will still do this whenever I get a few beers and the chance. recent gets include a dvd of Tales of Ordinary Madness (that I haven't seen yet), Sounes' book of photographs, and an eighth of a strain of weed they call "Hank's OG" (any connection? don't know and ain't asking).
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