Tucked in the back of an old book I discovered a poorly typed letter dated April 29, 1984 addressed to an "Andrews." The author I am presuming, is Charles Bukowski. In it he discusses his work in progress - Barfly - which despite a belief that it "won't sell," will "someday singe the panties off of Hollywood." He also makes rather colorful reference to Updike, Hemingway, and Mailer. The signature block includes a felt tipped pen signed "Buk-." Are there any Bukowski scholars out there who can tell me who Andrews is/might have been?
Tucked in the back of an old book I discovered a poorly typed letter dated April 29, 1984 addressed to an "Andrews." The author I am presuming, is Charles Bukowski. In it he discusses his work in progress - Barfly - which despite a belief that it "won't sell," will "someday singe the panties off of Hollywood." He also makes rather colorful reference to Updike, Hemingway, and Mailer. The signature block includes a felt tipped pen signed "Buk-." Are there any Bukowski scholars out there who can tell me who Andrews is/might have been?